This file is at
Tipps and Tricks
ursubuntu configuration
- Allow SSH console login (from PC with PUTTY)
- check if package openssh-server is installed.
- copy file /etc/ssh/sshd_config to a backup copy /etc/ssh/sshd_config.bak
- allow user "wolfgang" to get access via ssh by adding the line
AllowUsers wolfgangto the file /etc/ssh/sshd_config
- Install LAMP like in
- sudo apt-get install apache2 php5 php5-mysql mysql-server
- start apache2: sudo service apache2 start
- test by navigating to
- Install MySQL, set user "root", and install PHPMYADMIN
- Setup NFS-mounts to puconnas01:
- Move MySQL Data Directories to NAS:
- Instructions
- create MYSQL data directory on NAS: # sudo mkdir /mnt/puconnas01/public/mysql_data
- sudo chown -R mysql /mnt/puconnas01/public/mysql_data
- sudo chgrp -R mysql /mnt/puconnas01/public/mysql_data
- stop MYSQL: # sudo /etc/init.d/mysql stop
- find out current MYSQL data directory: # grep datadir /etc/mysql/my.cnf
- this should deliver /var/lib/mysql
- copy data files over to NAS: # sudo cp -R -p /var/lib/mysql/. /mnt/puconnas01/public/mysql_data
- tell MYSQL by editing my.cnf: sudo vi /etc/mysql/my.cnf
- change the datadir entry from /var/lib/mysql to /mnt/puconnas01/public/mysql_data
- now tell AppArmor to allow MYSQL to access the new data directory:
- edit: sudo vi /etc/apparmor.d/usr.sbin.mysqld
- Change 2 Lines containting /var/lib/mysql to new directory /mnt/puconnas01/public/mysql_data
- # sudo /etc/init.d/apparmor reload
- Restart MYSQL: sudo /etc/init.d/mysql restart or (better) $ sudo service mysql restart
- Link Web files to NAS:
- cd /var/www
- ln -s /mnt/puconnas01/public/www ./public
- Install and set up MediaWiki
- Instructions:
- ursubuntu actions to install:
- $ cd /mnt/puconnas01/public/www
- $ sudo cp /mnt/puconnas01/public/Software/Linux/Ubuntu/Mediawiki/mediawi* .
- $ sudo tar -xvzf ./mediawiki-*.tar.gz
- $ sudo ln -s mediaw<TAB> wiki
- invoke configuration web application by navigating to
- ursubuntu-specific parameters:
- Datenbankserver:
- Datenbankname: mediawiki
- Datenbanktabellenprefix: mw_
- Datenbankkonto für den Webzugriff: wikiuser, (the usual password)
- Datenbankzeichensatz: UTF-8
- Administratorkonto: root, (the usual password), Email:
- Profil der Benutzerberechtigungen: Ausschließlich berechtigte Bearbeiter
- Email-Adresse für Antworten:
- Erweiterungen: alle
- Das Hochladen von Dateien ermöglichen: ja
- After running the configuration, the file LocalSettings.php is saved to file:////puconnas01/public/Software/Linux/Ubuntu/Mediawiki/LocalSettings.php and uploaded un ursubuntu to /mnt/puconnas01/public/www/wiki/LocalSettings.php
- As of mediawiki V 1.21.1 a fix has to be done to LocalSettings.php:
- according to this thread:
- After require_once( “$IP/extensions/LocalisationUpdate/LocalisationUpdate.php” ); an additional line has to be inserted:
- $wgLocalisationUpdateDirectory = "$IP/cache";
- Enabling file: Links:
- Add: array_push($wgUrlProtocols, "file://"); to LocalSettings.php.
PUCONSRV03 configuration notes
- Motherboard: AOPEN MIni-ITX Mainboard with VIA Eden Processor and VX90 Chipset from Pollin
- 1GB SO-DIMM DDR3 RAM from:
- USB-SD-Card Adapter with 32 GB Class-6 SD-Card
- 2 TB SATA-Disk in CNMemory USB 3.0 SATA-Adapter housing:
- 2 TB SATA-Disk in CNMemory USB 3.0 SATA-Adapter housing:
- 2 TB SATA-Disk in CNMemory USB 3.0 SATA-Adapter housing:
Network and Connections
- 100BaseTX Ethernet port , MAC-Address
- connected to Port 7 of PUCON Zyxel BS108Bv2 in Arbeitszimmer
- registered in PUCON Fritz!Box with name
and permanentely assigned DHCP-IP-address
- make it outside accessible by:
- Routing port 80 to puconsrv03 port 80
- access SSH port by 440022
- access MySQL port on 43306
Operating System and Services
Application Software
PUCONSRV04 configuration notes
Operating System and Services