File>Document Setup>Document Information Title: The MagPi Issue 9 February 2013 Author: The MagPi Team Keywords: Raspberry Pi GPIO Hardware LadyADA ADAFruit WebIO Pi Pimoroni PiBow Backup Quick2Wire RISC OS Arch Vala C Cave Scatch ScatchGPIO Python PiBorg Description: Page Article 1 Cover 2 Editorial & Credits 3 Contents 4-7 Interview (AdaFruit) 8-10 WebIO Pi 11 Advert Pimoroni 12-14 Pi Backup 15 Competition 16-17 Quick2Wire Review 18-19 RISC OS Intro 20-21 Arch Linux 22-23 Intro To Vala 24 Events 25 Advert Adafruit 26-30 C Cave 31 Advert Quick2Wire 32-33 Scratch 34-35 Python Pit 36 Back Cover