This file describes the contents of the PCIF Commerical Version 1.0 Disk. This diskette contains programs, documentation, data, and utilities for the PCIF commercial release. THIS TEXT AMMENDED TO ADD DESCRIPTION OF FILE PCIFFAST.EXE =============================================================================== ********************************** Programs *********************************** =============================================================================== Name: PICFFAST.EXE Desc: same as PCIF.EXE but for use with 486-66 or faster IBM compatible Doc: see user manual Version 1.23 Name: PCIF.EXE Desc: IBM-compatible PCIF driver software Doc: see user manual for use instructions Version: 1.0 Rel: 27 Sep 88 Name: SAVBAT.EXE Desc: IBM compatible PCIF port initializer for use to setup the parallel port for minimum calculator power consumption Doc: see SAVBAT.DOC for use Version: 1.0 Rel: 27 Sep 88 Name: PCIFTI.EXE Desc: TI Professional PCIF driver software Doc: see user manual for use instructions. Version: 1.0 Rel: 27 Sep 88 Name: SAVBATTI.EXE Desc: TI Professional PCIF port initializer for use to setup the TIPC parallel port for minimum calculator power use. Doc: see SAVBAT.DOC for use Version: 1.0 Rel: 27 Sep 88 Name: PORT2PRN.EXE Desc: IBM compatible program to reset a parallel port used for PCIF to a port usable by a parallel printer without needing to re-boot PC. Doc: see PORT2PRN.DOC for use Version 1.0 Rel: 27 Sep 88 Name: PORT2PTI.EXE Desc: TI compatible program to reset the parallel port used for PCIF to a port usable by a parallel printer without needing to re-boot PC. Doc: see PORT2PRN.DOC for use Version 1.0 Rel: 27 Sep 88 =============================================================================== ***************************** Utility Programs ******************************** =============================================================================== Name: TIC74.EXE Desc: TI-74 "BASIC" language compression program for MS-DOS machines Doc: see TIC.DOC for use Version: 1.1 Rel: 27 Sep 88 Name: TICP74.EXE Desc: TI-74 "Pascal" language compression program for MS-DOS machines Doc: see TIC.DOC for use (works the same as TIC74, but for Pascal) Version: 1.1 Rel: 27 Sep 88 Name: TIC95.EXE Desc: TI-95 Keystroke "tokenizer" for MS-DOS machines. Produces "image" that can be loaded into the TI-95 "PGM" space using "PC-Access" utilities Doc: see TIC95.DOC for full usage and feature documentation Version: 1.1 Rel: 27 Sep 88 =============================================================================== ******************************* Documenatation ******************************** =============================================================================== Name: SAVBAT.DOC Desc: User document for using SAVBAT utility software Name: TIC.DOC Desc: User document for using TIC74, TICP74 utility software for TI-74 Name: TIC95.DOC Desc: TI-95 Keystroke tokenizer documentation Name: PORT2PRN.DOC Desc: User document for using PORT2PRN utility software =============================================================================== *************************** Utility Directories ******************************* =============================================================================== Name: UTIL74 Desc: Directory containing TI-74 user subprograms and assembly language loader program, along with user documenation for each package Name: UTIL95 Desc: Directory containing TI-95 PCIF utilities for saving and loading of user programs, registers, and cartridges, along with user documentation and usage instructions =============================================================================== ********************************* Data Files ********************************** =============================================================================== Name: CNFGTI.CFG Desc: Example configuration file for TI-PC version of PCIF driver Name: CONFIG.CFG Desc: Example IBM PCIF configuration control file =============================================================================== ************************* TI-74 UTIL Directory Contents *********************** =============================================================================== Name: CHAR.SUB Desc: CALL CHAR assembly language subprogram image Use: Define special display character set (upto 7 characters) Name: CLEANUP.SUB Desc: CALL CLEANUP assembly language subprogram image Use: Remove unused variable names from memory Name: EXEC.SUB Desc: CALL EXEC assembly language subprogram image Use: Execute an assembly language subprogram POKE'd into RAM Name: GETMEM.SUB Desc: CALL GETMEM assembly language subprogram image Use: Allocate a block of RAM for temporary use Name: INDIC.SUB Desc: CALL INDIC assembly language subprogram image Use: Manipulate display indicators Name: IOX.SUB Desc: CALL IOX assembly language subprogram image Use: Extended IO capability Name: PEEK.SUB Desc: CALL PEEK assembly language subprogram image Use: Read a byte of memory and return it in a variable Name: POKE.SUB Desc: CALL POKE assembly language subprogram image Use: Write value to a byte of memory Name: RELMEM.SUB Desc: CALL RELMEM assembly language subprogram image Use: Release a previously allocated block of memory from GETMEM Name: CHAR.DOC Desc: user documentation for CALL CHAR Name: CLEANUP.DOC Desc: user documentation for CALL CLEANUP Name: EXEC.DOC Desc: user documentation for CALL EXEC Name: GETMEM.DOC Desc: user documentation for CALL GETMEM Name: INDIC.DOC Desc: user documentation for CALL INDIC Name: IOX.DOC Desc: user documentation for CALL IOX Name: PEEK.DOC Desc: user documentation for CALL PEEK Name: POKE.DOC Desc: user documentation for CALL POKE Name: RELMEM.DOC Desc: user documentation for CALL RELMEM =============================================================================== *************************** TI-74 ASM Loader Program ************************** =============================================================================== Name: LOAD.PGM Desc: Assembly language subprogram loader program Use: "RUN" this program to load any ".SUB" file into TI-74. Name: LOAD.DOC Desc: User documentation for LOADER program in LOAD.PGM =============================================================================== ************************* TI-95 UTIL Directory Contents *********************** =============================================================================== Name: PCL95 Desc: image file containing "large" version of TI-95 "PC-Access". Refer to user manual for loading instructions. Name: PCS95 Desc: image file containing "small" version of TI-95 "PC-Access". Refer to user manual for loading instructions. =============================================================================== ********** end of readme.1st file ********************************************* ===============================================================================