Use this function to output a bar on lcd. This function demands the following parameters:

  ModeDirection of barHorizontal, Vertical
  WidthDimension of barZahl
  HeightHeight of barZahl
  CurrentCurrent valueZahl
  CCharsNumber of used custom chars (resolution, >= 4)Zahl
  CCharListCustom chars 1-CCharsCustomChar
  FrameWidthWidth of bar frameZahl
  FrameBorderSpace between bar frame and bar contentZahl
  XPosX-position of upper left corner of bar on lcdZahl
  YPosY-position of upper left corner of analyzer on lcdZahl

Its also possible to leave out the parameter CCharList. If you do so the custom chars are used as they are stored in lcd memory (same order as stored in custom char file).

Example TxtMode:
This function call outputs a bar calculated from the given values. The bar is displayed in horizontal direction, has a width of 20 chars, the minimum of this bar is 0, the maximum is 20 and the current value is 10.

In this case the custom chars indexed by 0-3 are used for displaying the bar.

Example GfxMode: