Use this command to show a spectrum analyzer on lcd in the current line. The command demands the following parameters:

  FilterFilter for audio dataNone, FFT
  ModeDrawing modeGraph, Bars, PeakedBars,PeakedBarsFilled
  BarsNumber of barsNumber
  HeightHeight of analyzerNumber
  ScaleScaling value for audio data Number
  BarSpeedFalling speed of barsNumber
  PeakSpeedFalling speed of peaksNumber
  CCharsNumber of used custom charsNumber
  CCharListCustomChars for bar height 1-7, seperated through ","CustomChar
  BarWidthWidth of barsNumber
  BarSpaceSpace between barsNumber
  XPosX-position of upper left corner of analyzer on lcdNumber
  YPosY-position of upper left corner of analyzer on lcdNumber

Its possible to leave out the parameter Charlist. If you do so the custom chars are used in the order they are stored to lcd memory (this is the same as the order in the custom char file).

Example TxtMode:
Example GfxMode: