You can start LCDHype using parameters. Attention: using parameters affects the lcdhype configuration !!! Usage: lcdhype.exe parameter:value The following paramters are valid: Parameter Value Example ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ configmode 0 -> config file is read and written configmode:0 1 -> config file is read only ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ controller relative or absolute path to the lcd driver dll controller:hd4478\hd44780.dll ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ scriptfile relative or absolute path to the sd file you want to use scriptfile:scripts\ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ script index the script you want to use (first index = 0) script:5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ splash 0 -> hides splash screen on startup splash:1 1 -> shows splash screen on startup ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ shutdown 0 -> normal application start shutdown:0 1 -> shutdown after application start ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ welcome 0 -> normal application start welcome:1 1 -> output data on lcd during application start this parameter can be used in combination with delay ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ delay time in seconds to wait delay:3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ clearscreen 0 -> do not clear lcd screen clearscreen:0 1 -> clear lcd screen this parameter can be used in combination with welcome ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ menu 0 -> shows menu "About" menu:3 1 -> shows menu "Custom Char Generator" 2 -> shows menu "Status" 3 -> shows menu "LCD Screens" 4 -> shows menu "Configuration - Common" 5 -> shows menu "Configuration - LCD" 6 -> shows menu "Configuration - MP3 Controller" 7 -> shows menu "Configuration - TCP/IP" 8 -> shows menu "Configuration - Control Codes" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ charfile relative or absolute path to the cd file you want to use charfile:C:\Temp\ Example of calling lcdhype.exe using parameters: lcdhype.exe controller:t6963c\t6963c.dll splash:0 scriptfile:scripts\ script:2 -> using t6963c driver, no splash screen, loading scriptfile and script with index 2 lcdhype.exe welcome:1 delay:5 scriptfile:scripts\ script:2 -> outputs data on lcd for 5 seconds during application start using scriptfile and script with index 2