Command Line Options for Wintv2000

NoSplashScreen = "-nss"

NotCoolGUIMode = "-nc"

GoolGUIMode = "-cg"

NoTipOfDay = "-ntod"

Suite = "-sSuiteName"

Chan = "-cChannelNumber"

Preset = "-pPresetNumber"
Note the channel or preset number should exist in channel manager in the specified suite or All Channels suite for these to work. They can also include channel numbers like 200 for Ext-1 selection.

WindowMode = "-mMode"
Mode = "tv", "NoTitle", "Title" , or "Off" (all caseless) (Note: "Off" will cause an existing instance of the Wintv app to exit)

Example: a shortcut that starts on Channel 21 as "C:\Program Files\WinTV\WinTV2K.EXE" -c21 in the target field of the shortcut.

You can also use windows scheduler with these options to make the TV go on and off automatically.

Additional Options for WinTV2000 on WinTV-PVR boards:

Start MPEG Record = "-startr:filename"
where filename is path to record to; may be omitted, WinTV uses next _dvcrxxxx name

Record Time Limit = "-limit:xxx" where xxx is number of seconds to record

Stop Record = "-stopr"

Record Quality = "-qMode"
Mode = "def" for default, or "vcd" for VCD compatible

Start app muted = "-mute"
Useful for timed records where you don't want audio coming on in the middle of the night