STMCube is an STMicroelectronics original initiative to ease developers
life by reducing development efforts, time and cost.
STM32Cube covers STM32 portfolio.
STM32Cube Version 1.x includes:
- The
STM32CubeMX, a graphical software configuration tool that allows to
generate C initialization code using graphical wizards.
- A
comprehensive embedded software platform, delivered per series (such as
STM32CubeL1 for STM32L1 series)
- The
STM32Cube HAL, an STM32 abstraction layer embedded software, ensuring
maximized portability across STM32 portfolio
- A
consistent set of middleware components such as RTOS, USB, TCP/IP,
embedded software utilities come with a full set of examples.
- The
STM32Cube firmware solution offers a straightforward API with a modular
architecture, making it simple to fine tune custom applications and
scalable to
fit most requirements
(Hardware Abstraction Layer) drivers provided within this
package supports
the following STM32L100xB,
STM32L100xBA, STM32L100xC, STM32L151xB, STM32L151xBA, STM32L151xC, STM32L151xCA, STM32L151xD, STM32L151xDX, STM32L151xE, STM32L152xB,
STM32L152xBA, STM32L152xC, STM32L152xCA, STM32L152xD, STM32L152xDX, STM32L152xE, STM32L162xC, STM32L162xCA, STM32L162xD, STM32L162xDX, and STM32L162xE.
- The
STM32CubeL1 firmware package comes with an updater utility, STM32CubeUpdater,
that can be configured for automatic
or on-demand checks for new firmware package updates (new
releases or/and patches).
- For quick getting started with the
STM32CubeL1 firmware package, refer to UM1802 and you can
download firmware updates and all the latest documentation from
- Below links to the most useful documents
- Latest release of STM32CubeL1 Firmware package.
- UM1802: Getting started with the STM32CubeL1 firmware package for the STM32L1 series.
- UM1804: STM32CubeL1 Nucleo demonstration firmware.
- UM1816: Description of STM32L1xx HAL drivers.
- UM1734: STM32Cube USB Device library.
- UM1721: Developing Applications on STM32Cube with FatFs.
- UM1722: Developing Applications on STM32Cube with RTOS.
/ 01-July-2016
Changes - Maintenance release.
- First official release introducing the STM32Cube LL (Low Layer) APIs for the STM32L1xx serie :
- Low Layer drivers APIs allow performance and memory footprint optimization, with register access level programming.
- Examples available on the STM32L152RE-Nucleo Board are provided in order to describe how to use the Low Level drivers.
- \STM32L1xx HAL Drivers
- Maintenance release to fix known defects.
- Low
Layer drivers APIs provide register level programming: they require
deep knowledge of peripherals described in STM32L1xx Reference Manual.
- Low
Layer drivers are available for: ADC, COMP, CORTEX, CRC, DAC, DMA,
USART, WWDG peripherals and additional Low Level Bus, System and
Utilities APIs.
- Low Layer drivers APIs are implemented as static inline function in new Inc/stm32l1xx_ll_ppp.h files for PPP peripherals, there is no configuration file and each stm32l1xx_ll_ppp.h file must be included in user code.
- Maintenance release to fix known defects
- Add macros _Pos and _Msk for each constants.
- For instance:
- #define ADC_LTR_LT ((uint32_t)0x00000FFFU)
- Is now provided as:
- #define ADC_LTR_LT_Pos (0U)
- #define ADC_LTR_LT_Msk (0xFFFU << ADC_LTR_LT_Pos)
- #define ADC_LTR_LT ADC_LTR_LT_Msk
- The
STM32CubeL1 Firmware package comes with a rich set of examples running
on STMicroelectronics boards, organized by board and provided with
preconfigured projects for the main supported toolchains. The
exhaustive list of projects is provided in this table (STM32CubeProjectsList.html).
- Projects
release notes
- STM32L152RE-Nucleo
- STM32L100C-Discovery
- STM32L152C-Discovery
- Drivers
- Middlewares
- Utilities
Toolchains and Compilers
- IAR Embedded
Workbench for ARM (EWARM) toolchain V7.60.1 + ST-LINK
- RealView
Microcontroller Development Kit (MDK-ARM) toolchain V5.20 + ST-LINK
- Atollic
TrueSTUDIO STM32 (TrueSTUDIO) toolchain V5.4.0 + ST-LINK
- System Workbench for STM32 (SW4STM32) toolchain V1.9.0 + ST-LINK
/ 04-March-2016
Changes - Maintenance release to fix known defects and enhancements implementation.
- \Projects
- The applications and demonstrations now use the "Ultimate Liberty" license instead of "Liberty" license.
- Update some include path to be compatible with GNU/Linux-based platform.
- \STM32L1xx HAL Drivers
- Maintenance release to fix known defects
- Split aAPBAHBPrescTable into aAHBPrescTable and aAPBPrescTable.
- Reduce HSE_STARTUP_TIMEOUT from 5s to 100ms.
- It is now possible to use the I2C transmission with a data size of 0.
- Optimize HAL_RCC_ClockConfig.
- \STM32L1xx-Nucleo
- Add support of 4Gb sd cards.
- \STM32L152D_EVAL
- Add corrections on the display of the LCD Glass.
- Maintenance release that is fixing defects.
- \STM32 USB Device Library
- usbd_cdc.c: change #include "USBD_CDC.h" by #include "usbd_cdc.h"
- The
STM32CubeL1 Firmware package comes with a rich set of examples running
on STMicroelectronics boards, organized by board and provided with
preconfigured projects for the main supported toolchains. The
exhaustive list of projects is provided in this table (STM32CubeProjectsList.html).
- Projects
release notes
- STM32L152RE-Nucleo
- STM32L100C-Discovery
- STM32L152C-Discovery
- Drivers
- Middlewares
- Utilities
Toolchains and Compilers
- IAR Embedded
Workbench for ARM (EWARM) toolchain V7.20 + ST-LINK
- RealView
Microcontroller Development Kit (MDK-ARM) toolchain V5.17 + ST-LINK
- Atollic
TrueSTUDIO STM32 (TrueSTUDIO) toolchain V5.4.0 + ST-LINK
- System Workbench for STM32 (SW4STM32) toolchain V1.7.0 + ST-LINK
/ 09-October-2015
Changes - Maintenance release to fix known defects and enhancements implementation.
- Adding latest version of STM32CubeUpdater (V4.10.0).
- \Projects
- Adding new projects to introduce the FreeRTOS V8.2.1
- FreeRTOS_SignalFromISR (thread signaling from an interrupt)
- FreeRTOS_Signal (thread signaling)
- FreeRTOS_Mail (mail queues)
- \STM32 USB Device Library
- Minor enhancements which does not impact neither the APIs nor the behavior of applications developed so far.
- \FatFs
- Upgrade to use FatFs R0.11.
- Add new APIs FATFS_LinkDriverEx() and FATFS_UnLinkDriverEx() to manage USB Key Disk having
multi-lun capability. These APIs are equivalent to FATFS_LinkDriver() and FATFS_UnLinkDriver() with "lun" parameter set to 0. - ff_conf.h: add new define "_USE_BUFF_WO_ALIGNMENT".
- Important note:
For application code based on previous FatFs version; when moving to R0.11 the changes that need to be done is to update ffconf.h file, taking ffconf_template.h file as reference.
- \STemWin
- Upgrade
to use SEGGER emWin version V5.28, for more details about the
changes in this version refer to "Revision History" section in STemWin528.pdf document
- \FreeRTOS
- No changes in file naming/set of sources files.
- Align
Port.c for CM7, CM4 and CM3 to M0 regarding function
“vPortSuppressTicksAndSleep : Same implementation for CM7, CM4 and CM3
as CM0
- Macros “configPRE_SLEEP_PROCESSING” and
“configPOST_SLEEP_PROCESSING are now passing the parameter
ulExpectedIdleTime by pointer
- Adding implementation for APIs “osSignalSet” and “osSignalWait”.
- API changes on CMSIS-RTOS (osDelayUntil()).
- Internal enhancements and bug fixes.
- CMSIS-RTOS V1.02 (unchanged)
- The
STM32CubeL1 Firmware package comes with a rich set of examples running
on STMicroelectronics boards, organized by board and provided with
preconfigured projects for the main supported toolchains. The
exhaustive list of projects is provided in this table (STM32CubeProjectsList.html).
- Projects
release notes
- STM32L152RE-Nucleo
- STM32L100C-Discovery
- STM32L152C-Discovery
- Drivers
Toolchains and Compilers
- IAR Embedded
Workbench for ARM (EWARM) toolchain V7.20 + ST-LINK
- RealView
Microcontroller Development Kit (MDK-ARM) toolchain V5.16 + ST-LINK
- Atollic
TrueSTUDIO STM32 (TrueSTUDIO) toolchain V5.3.1 + ST-LINK
- System Workbench for STM32 (SW4STM32) toolchain V1.3.0 + ST-LINK
/ 03-July-2015
- Add support of System Workbench
for STM32 (SW4STM32) toolchain
- \HAL
- \Middlewares
- \BSP
- \Projects
- Add projects for SW4STM32 toolchain
- Drivers
- Middlewares
- Utilities
Toolchains and Compilers
- IAR Embedded
Workbench for ARM (EWARM) toolchain V7.20 + ST-LINK
- RealView
Microcontroller Development Kit (MDK-ARM) toolchain V5.11 + ST-LINK
- A patch is
provided to support STM32L152RExx under
- Important
note: some of MDK-ARM projects were created with previous version like v4.73. If you are using
MDK-ARM v5.10 (and later) you have to install a legacy patch to be able
to open projects built with v4.73, here is the download link
- Atollic
TrueSTUDIO STM32 (TrueSTUDIO) toolchain V5.1.1 + ST-LINK
- System Workbench for STM32 (SW4STM32) toolchain V1.2.0 + ST-LINK
/ 31-March-2015
- Maintenance release.
- Fix known defects and several enhancements
- \HAL
- Update
drivers to be C++ compliant.
- Added
interfaces to access MPU features (refer to stm32l1xx_hal_cortex.h).
- Adding
HAL_RCCEx_GetPeriphCLKFreq interface.
- Adding
interface HAL_TIM_SlaveConfigSynchronization_IT.
- Added
new interfaces for PWR:
- void HAL_PWR_EnableSleepOnExit(void);
- void HAL_PWR_DisableSleepOnExit(void);
- void HAL_PWR_EnableSEVOnPend(void);
- void HAL_PWR_DisableSEVOnPend(void);
- void HAL_PWR_EnableSleepOnExit(void);
- uint32_t HAL_PWREx_GetVoltageRange(void);
- Enhancement implementation. One
change done on the HAL require an update on the application code based
on HAL V1.1.0
- HAL CRYP driver updated to
support multi instance, so user must ensure that the new parameter
Instance is initialized in his application(CRYPHandle.Instance = CRYP)
- \Middlewares
- USB Device V2.4.0: backward compatible with
previous used version V2.3.0
- STemWin V5.26: project based on previous
version V5.24 need to be updated following the change in the binary
name, ex. STemWin524b_CM4_IAR.a is renamed into
- FatFs R0.10b: project based on previous version
R0.10 need to update ffconf.h file (for more details please refer
the associated release
- FreeRTOS V8.1.2: project based on previous
version V7.6.0 needs some update to work with version V8.1.2
(for more details please refer the associated release
- \Utilities
- Use CPU Utilities V1.1.0 , APIs updated to be in line with FreeRTOS V8.1.2
- \BSP
- Align BSP drivers with version V1.1.0
of HAL peripheral drivers
- \Projects
- All projects updated following changes in
latest version of HAL and Middlewares
- Miscellaneous enhancements and bugs fix
- For the complete list of changes, please refer
to the release notes of each firmware components.
Toolchains and Compilers
- IAR Embedded
Workbench for ARM (EWARM) toolchain V7.20 + ST-LINK
- RealView
Microcontroller Development Kit (MDK-ARM) toolchain V5.11 + ST-LINK
- A patch is
provided to support STM32L152RExx under
- Atollic
TrueSTUDIO STM32 (TrueSTUDIO) toolchain V5.1.1 + ST-LINK
/ 06-February-2015
- Official
release for
new STM32L1xxxDX (eXtended) devices & fix BSP drivers
compilation issue under Linux (done by changing "\"
by "/" in the include path)
/ 05-September-2014
- First
official release of STM32CubeL1 (STM32Cube for STM32L1 Series)
Toolchains and Compilers
- IAR Embedded
Workbench for ARM (EWARM) toolchain V7.10 + ST-LINK
- RealView
Microcontroller Development Kit (MDK-ARM) toolchain V5.10 + ST-LINK
- Atollic
TrueSTUDIO STM32 (TrueSTUDIO) toolchain V5.0.0 + ST-LINK
Devices and Discovery/EVAL
- All STM32L100
(VALUE), STM32L151
(ACCESS) & STM32L1x2
(LCD) product
lines devices are supported
- STM32L152C-Discovery Board RevC and STM32L100C-Discovery Board RevB
- STM32L152RE-Nucleo Board RevC
Board RevB
under MCD-ST Liberty SW License Agreement V2, (the "License"); You may
not use this package
except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the
License at:
required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
complete documentation on STM32 Microcontrollers visit