Use this function to add a condition to your script code. The function compares to values (numbers or strings). This functions demands the following parameters:
%Common.Compare( x condition y ) Then { ... } Else { ... }
You can use the following conditions:
= (x equal y)
< (x less than y)
> (x greater then y)
! (x not equal y)
<= (x less or equal y)
>= (x greater or equal y)
If the condition is true, the code enclosed by Then { } is processed. If the condition is false, the code enclosed by Else { } is processed.

%Common.Compare(1=1) Then { 'The condition is true' } Else { }
After processing this condition the string "The condition is true" is shown on the lcd because 1 is equal to 1.
%Common.Compare(A!B) Then { 'The condition is true' } Else { }
After processing this condition the string "The condition is true" is shown on the lcd because "A" is not equal "B".