Use this function call to add scrolling functionality to the current lcd line in text mode. If the length of a lcd line is greater then the lcd width its scrolled. The function demands the following parameters:
Parameter 1 -> direction of scrolling [ Horizontal, Vertical ]
Parameter 2 -> type of scrolling [ Swing, Ticker ]
Parameter 3 -> speed of scrolling
Parameter 4 -> length of line when using Horizontal
number of lines when using Vertical
The parameter 4 is a number. The number means if the line is greater than parameter 4 the scrolling is activated.
"This is line 1 of your LCD"
"This is line 2 of your LCD"
The first function call sets the vertical scrolling. The scrolling is activated if the number of lines are greater 1. So the whole screen is scrolled because there are 2 lines.
The second function call sets the horzontal scrolling. Its activated if the length of line is greater 16. Because the length of "This is line 2 of your LCD" is 26, the lThe scrolling is is scrolled.