CDC-232 This is the Readme file to firmware-only CDC driver for Atmel AVR microcontrollers. For more information please visit SUMMARY ======= The CDC-232 performs the CDC (Communication Device Class) connection over low-speed USB. It provides the RS-232C interface through virtual COM port. The AVR-CDC is originally developed by Osamu Tamura. Akira Kitazawa has significantly contributed to improve this software. SPECIFICATION ============= AVR-CDC with USART (ATmega8/48/88/168) speed: 1200 - 38400bps datasize: 5-8 parity: none/even/odd stopbit: 1/2 AVR-CDC with USART (ATtiny2313) speed: 2400,9600,38400bps Fixed (rebuild to use 600-57600bps) datasize: 8 parity: none stopbit: 1 AVR-CDC without USART (ATtiny45/85) speed: 1200 - 4800bps datasize: 8 parity: none stopbit: 1 supply current: 8-15mA Internal RC Oscillator is calibrated at startup time. It may be unstable after a long time operation (ATtiny45/85). Although the CDC is supported by Windows 2000/XP/Vista, Mac OS 9.1/X, and Linux 2.4, low-speed bulk transfer is not allowed by the USB standard. Use CDC-IO at your own risk. USAGE ===== [Windows XP/2000/Vista] Download "" and read the instruction carefully. [Mac OS X] You'll see the device /dev/cu.usbmodem***. [Linux] The device will be /dev/ttyACM*. Linux 2.6 does not accept low-speed CDC without patching the kernel. DEVELOPMENT =========== Build your circuit and write firmware (cdcmega*.hex/cdctiny*.hex) into it. C1:104 means 0.1uF, R3:1K5 means 1.5K ohms. This firmware has been developed on AVR Studio 4.16 and WinAVR 20090313. If you couldn't invoke the project from cdc*.aps, create new GCC project named "at***" under "cdc232.****-**-**/" without creating initial file. Select each "default/Makefile" at "Configuration Options" menu. There are several options you can configure in "Project/Configuration Options" menu, or in Makefile (General) Device Select MCU type. Frequency Select clock. 16.5MHz is the internal RC oscillator. (ATtiny45/85) 3.3V Vcc may not be enough for the higher clock operation. (Custom Options) add -D*** to select options below. INVERT Reverse the polarity of TXD and RXD to connect to RS-232C directly (ATtiny45/85). INTERRUPT Using RxD interrupt achieves the higher transfer rate, but it causes obstacle in USB communication. Try this if the USB connection is stable. (ATmega) Rebuild all the codes after modifying Makefile. Fuse bits ext H-L ATtiny2313 FF CD-FF ATtiny45/85 FF CE-F1 ATtiny461/861 FF C8-F1 ATmega8 8F-FF ATmega48/88/168 FF CE-FF SPIEN=0, WDTON=0, CKOPT(mega8)=0, Crystal: Ex.8MHz/PLL(45,461), BOD: 1.8-2.7V * Detach the ISP programmer before restarting the device. The code size of AVR-CDC is 2-3KB, and 128B RAM is required at least. USING AVR-CDC FOR FREE ====================== The AVR-CDC is published under an Open Source compliant license. See the file "License.txt" for details. You may use this driver in a form as it is. However, if you want to distribute a system with your vendor name, modify these files and recompile them; 1. Vendor String in usbconfig.h 2. COMPANY and MFGNAME strings in avrcdc.inf/lowbulk.inf Osamu Tamura @ Recursion Co., Ltd. 26 June 2006 7 April 2007 7 July 2007 27 January 2008 25 August 2008 10 April 2009 18 July 2009