Index of /pub/p/Projects/LINUX_VAX/sourceforge_20010908/tools
This directory holds the tools that you will need to start cross compiling
the kernel. The nominal build host is Linux/i386, although NetBSD/i386
and Digital UNIX have been successfully used too.
For more information see the website at
Please report problems to the mailing list:
linux-vax at
misc: Other bits and pieces. E.g. a port of the NetBSD mopd to linux
Sources: This holds a dump of the CVS tools tree, at the indicated tag.
So, tools-src-linuxvax-20000808.tar.gz is a dump of the tools
CVS tree dated 08 Aug 2000. Use this if you want to build your
own set of tools, e.g. in a different prefix, or under a different
platform, or wish to speed up the CVS process.
This source file holds everything you need to build the tools,
including the script that was previously separate.
Binaries: This holds compiled binaries for host=i386-redhat-linux
(should work on all distributions), for binutils and gcc.
These tools have been compiled with a prefix of /usr/local.
and will expect to be installed there.
To install: untar the tar file at /
e.g. cd /
tar xzvf /tmp/tools-bin-linuxvax-20000808.tar.gz
Older versions are stored under Attic.
Attic/Sources: Pristine sources for the main bits of the crossdevelopment
environment. Look at the version numbers, and download these from
a nearby mirror if you dont want to download them from here.
See the file "details" in the sources directory for more
Attic/Patched: The above with the patches applied. Use this if you dont mind
a big download (might be out of date)
Attic/Patches: Deltas from the sources.
andy phillips. 11/Aug/2000