Readme.txt (DC, 03.22.02) -=---------------=- TINI Firmware 1.02e -=---------------=- -------------------------------------------------------------------- Go to for an online version of "The TINI Specification and Developer's Guide". -------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------- | CommTester | ------------------- I. Description =------------= Demonstration of serial to ethernet communication. There are two applications necessary for this example to run. The host application sends data out a PCs serial port and receives data on a socket (4000). The host application generates random data and sends it out the serial port, when ethernet data is received it is verified against the data sent. II. Files =------= TINI application that reads from a serial port and sends all received data out a socket connection. Main application file for the PC. This file should be executed by typing java serialtoethernet.Serial serial port name defaults to COM1 if it is not given on the command line. Application frame that sends data out the serial port and receives the data on the socket. It defaults to port 4000 for the socket connection. This class verifies that the data received on the socket matches the data sent out the serial port. SerialFrame_AboutBox Displays an about box. II. Instructions =--------------= To set up your TINI for use with this program, first set the IP address of your TINI with the ipconfig command if you have not already done so. Now ftp the CommTester.tini file into the root directory of TINI. Close JavaKit. You should now run the host application. java serialtoethernet.Serial This should bring up an application and display "Waiting for Connection". This will also reboot your TINI. You have to wait for your TINI to respond to pings before moving on to the next step. Next, open a telnet session to TINI, log in with the TINI name and password, and type: downserver -s then type: java CommTester.tini where IP_ADDR_OF_HOST is the IP address of the host computer you are running from. Your host application should display a message "Got a connection". The Auto Send button should also become active. Click on the Auto Send button. This begins the process of sending data out the serial port. All data should be received through the socket connection. If any data is received incorrectly, you will see a message "dropped a byte". The Num Sent count and the Num recv count should increment sequentially. In the event that a byte is dropped, verify the serial connections to TINI and also verify network connectivity. IV. Revision History =-------------------= 1.0 - first release