DS-5 Community Edition is a free software development solution, based on our professional tool chain, which provides support for the following use-cases:
DS-5 Community Edition includes:
This is a summary of the new features and other major changes in this release:
Visit the DS-5 web resources at https://developer.arm.com to find to tutorials, knowledgebase articles, and any software updates that are available.
Queries and support issues relating to DS-5 can be raised on Arm's public forums at: http://community.arm.com/groups/tools/.
DS-5 Community Edition requires a minimum specification of computer with a dual core 2GHz processor (or equivalent) and 4GB of RAM. A full installation requires approximately 1GB of hard disk space.
DS-5 Community Edition is supported on the following operating systems:
Note: DS-5 Community Edition is supported on 64-bit x86 host platforms only.
Note: on Windows operating systems, DS-5 Community Edition requires the Universal C Runtime (CRT) to be installed. Universal CRT is a Windows operating system component. It is a part of Windows 10. For Windows versions prior to Windows 10, the Universal CRT is distributed via Windows Update. You can download the update manually from https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/2999226/update-for-universal-c-runtime-in-windows.
Linux application debug requires gdbserver on your target. The recommended version of gdbserver is 7.0 or later. DS-5 Debugger is unable to provide reliable multi-threaded debug support with gdbserver versions prior to 6.8.
DS-5 support for Linux application debug depends on infrastructure and features that are introduced in specific kernel versions:
To install DS-5 Community Edition on Linux, run (not source) install.sh and follow the on-screen instructions. The installer unpacks DS-5 Community Edition into your chosen directory, and adds desktop shortcuts.
To install DS-5 Community Edition on Windows, run setup.exe and follow the on-screen instructions. If you have an earlier version or other edition of DS-5 already installed, this one will be installed alongside, without uninstalling your previous installation.
After installation, you can start Eclipse for DS-5 from the Arm DS-5 Community Edition v5.29.1 -> Eclipse for DS-5 v5.29.1 entry in your desktop menu. Be aware that any existing "Eclipse for DS-5" entry in the desktop menu will point to the previous version of DS-5 that is still available for use on your host. Eclipse for DS-5 and other supplied tools can also be found within the <installdir>/bin directory.
The installer does not modify any environment variables on your system. To run the tools more easily from a console you can manually add the <installdir>/bin directory to your PATH environment variable. See your operating system documentation for further information on setting environment variables.
On Linux you can run <installdir>/bin/suite_exec <shell> to open a shell with the PATH environment variable correctly configured. Run this tool with no arguments for more help.
On Windows the Start menu contains DS-5 Command Prompt. This console is preconfigured with the bin directory added to the PATH environment variable.
Further information on using DS-5 can be found in the on-line help within Eclipse for DS-5. To access the on-line help, start Eclipse for DS-5 and select Help -> Help Contents. The main documentation for DS-5 can be found under the DS-5 Documentation section in the contents.
Separate documentation is provided for the supplied Examples in the <installdir>/examples/docs/index.html document, which is also linked to from the Examples Index menu entry in the Arm DS-5 Community Edition v5.29.1 Windows Start menu.
To uninstall DS-5 on Windows, use Add or Remove Programs in Control Panel, select Arm DS-5 Community Edition v5.29.1 and click the Remove button.
To uninstall DS-5 on Linux, run remove_menus_for_Arm_DS-5_Community_Edition_v5.29.1.sh in the root directory of your installation to remove desktop menu entries, and then simply delete the installation directory.
On both Windows and Linux, some per-user configuration is stored outside of the installation directory, which you might optionally choose to delete. For Windows these files are stored in %APPDATA%\ARM. For Linux these files are stored in $HOME/.arm.
The following known issues and limitations exist in this release:
Problem: Eclipse fails to start and reports "cannot restore segment prot after reloc: Permission denied" [SDDEBUG-13327]
Workaround: This error occurs because some of the shared libraries used by the applications require text relocation, but the Security-enhanced Linux (SELinux) policy on your machine prohibits this. To work around this, change the SELinux policy for your DS-5 applications and shared libraries to allow text relocation. This can be achieved with the following command, run under a super user account:
chcon -R -t texrel_shlib_t "<installdir>"
Problem: Eclipse fails to start and reports "JVM terminated" or outputs a stack backtrace. [SDDEBUG-4443]
Workaround: This problem is often caused by heap settings for Eclipse that are not suitable for the computer that you are running it on. To fix this you must edit <installdir>/sw/eclipse/eclipse.ini to supply alternative heap settings. The following knowledgebase article provides detailed instructions on making this change: http://infocenter.arm.com/help/topic/com.arm.doc.faqs/ka14185.html.