1 /******************************************************************************************************************************
  2  *  (c) ITSV GmbH - http://www.itsv.at/
  3  *
  4  *  Software Operations
  5  *    Zentrale Daten und Services
  6  *    Wolfgang Scherer
  7  *
  8  *  CCDB - Competence Center Controlling Database
  9  *
 10  *	MODULE:		document.js
 11  *
 12  *	USES:		mfile.js
 13  *				db.js
 14  *
 15  *	SEE ALSO: 	http://zpvwiki.sozvers.at/wiki/ZPV_Controlling_Datenbank#App
 16  *
 17  *	DESCRIPTION:	This module contains document handling
 18  */
 20 /*
 21  *		CLASS:	Document
 22  */
 23 function Document(initializer) {
 24 	this.objtype = 'document';
 25 	this.attributes	=	new Array();
 26 	this.status = 'initializing';
 27 	this.statusListeners = new Array();
 28 	if (initializer) {
 29 		if (initializer.objtype) {
 30 			switch (initializer.objtype) {
 31 				case 'document':				// initializer is a document itself
 32 				case 'doctype':					// initializer is a doctype structure
 33 					copyObject(this,initializer);
 34 					this.setStatus('ok');
 35 					break;
 36 				case 'empty':
 37 					this.setStatus('ok');
 38 					break;
 39 				default:
 40 					console.error("Illegal document initializer type \""+initializer.objtype+"\"");
 41 			}
 42 		} else {
 43 			console.error("Illegal initializer: has no objtype");
 44 		}
 45 	}
 46 	this.addStatusListener = function(statusCallback) {
 47 		this.statusListeners.push(statusCallback);
 48 		return this.statusListeners.length-1;		// return the slot number of this listener to enable removing it later
 49 	}
 50 	this.removeStatusListener = function(id) {
 51 		this.statusListeners[id] = null;			// disable this status listener
 52 	}
 53 	this.notifyStatusListeners = function(statobj) {
 54 		for (var sli = 0; sli<statusListeners.length; sli++) {
 55 			if (statusListeners[sli]) {
 56 				statusListeners[sli](null,statobj);
 57 			}
 58 		}
 59 	}
 60 	this.setStatus(newstatus) {
 61 		var oldstatus = this.status;
 62 		this.status = newstatus;
 63 		this.notifyStatusListeners({document: this, oldstatus: oldstatus, newstatus: this.status});
 64 }
 67 var localexportobject = {
 68 		Document	:	Document
 69 }
 71 var logger;
 72 var mastername;
 74 module.exports = function(theLogger,theMasterName) {
 75 	logger = theLogger;
 76 	mastername = theMasterName;
 77 	/*
 78 	console.log("CCDB: this is the instantiation followup of "+__filename+", the master is "+mastername+"/"+theMasterName);
 79 	var c = 0;
 80 	var oal = "";
 81 	for (var oa in module.exports) {
 82 		oal += ((c<1)?"":",")+oa;
 83 		c++;
 84 	}
 85 	console.log("CCDB: module.exports has "+c+" attributes: "+oal);
 86 	*/
 87 	return module.exports;
 88 }
 90 for (var oa in localexportobjects) {
 91 		module.exports[oa] = localexportobjects[oa];
 92 }