Smarttools Plugin
- Search missing indices -

With this module you can find all tables without indices, unique indices or primary key.

To find these tables, follow these steps:

1. Insert the table name, where columns shall be searched. You can use a % as wildcard.
 An empty input field means that all tables will be used.

2. Select the type of search.
 You can choose between the following types to display the search result:
- all entries: all checked tables will be displayed with their index and primary key status
- missing primary keys: all tables without a primary key or without a unique index will be displayed
- missing unique indices: all tables without a unique index will be displayed

3. Start searching for missing indices.
 You can terminate the search by clicking on the stop button.

4. Results will be displayed in the table.

5. If there is a result displayed in the table, the print button will be activated to print the result,
 the ddl button is enabled to create a primary key or a unique index for the selected table
 and the records button is enabled to determine the record count of all displayed tables.

Notice: After clicking the records button, the record count will be determined
 and displayed in the column records of the table.