Change Log ========== 1.3 === 1498978, 2962426 - Added "Store result of SQL into file" It allows you, to store the result of an SQL query directly into a file, without building a result table in memory. The output format can be chosen from the following formats: CSV, XSL, XML 1.2 === 1544447: (Generated SQL script Table names are not fully Qualified, it should be "SCHEMA"."TABLE_NAME") Added a new global preference panel and checkbox to make this alternative behavior configurable. The default now is to qualify table names with their schema name. 1.1 === - Added menu item and supporting files for creating a drop table script from the selected tables. 1.0 === - Feature Request: [ 976569 ] SQL Scripts enhancements In right mouse menu of a table in the object tree there is a new entry 'Create Template Data Script' - Apostrophes in strings were escaped by "\'". The right way to escape is "''" - Bug #779866 Create table on JDBC-ODBC Bridge: Works a bit better now. But the driver is to bad to really work. - Toolbar buttons for saving and loading scripts - Read statement deliniter from preferences - Numeric columns scripted with the right decim 0.22 ==== Other ----- - Updated for changes in SQuirreL 1.2beta5 0.21 ==== Other ----- - Updated for changes in SQuirreL 1.1rc1 0.20 ==== Bug Fixes --------- - Firstly the "create data script" function would fail if the table/view was only accessible through its fully qualified name.(John Murga) - Secondly the "create data script from SQL" didn't work for "select * from tablename" type queries (without a where clause). Which is a shame because this would have been a workaround for the other problem... (John Murga) 0.11 ==== Enhancements ------------ - Script execution can now be cancelled. - Script execution is now threaded. 0.1 === - Initial release