Last Update: v1.85 2007-7-25 1. Add space-key to pause/play. 2. Speed ratio instead of BMP. 3. Fixed crash when MIDI Devices connected error at playing time. v1.83 2006-12-18 1. GM Patches changes can record now. 2. Application can send message to plugin's WinFrom if it's exists. 3. Fixed MIDIOutput SysExData Error. v1.82 2006-10-29 1. Add "Auto Speed" selection. v1.81 2006-07-05 1. Fixed keyboard group title display issue. 2. Add "Stay On Top" function in application menu. 3. Add plugins support. v1.72 2006-06-06 1. Display betterment when Ctrl and Shift key down. 2. Fix keyboard issue when same note key down at one time. 3. Fix customize keyboard issue about note display. 4. Default select all Midi Devices, not first one. v1.7 2006-05-29 1. Add 128 GM Patches selection function. 2. Add Repeat function, delete Reset function. 3. Fix keyboard error with [Num Lock] close. v1.6 2006-04-30 1. Rewrite Midi File analyse/Midi Input/Output modules, it works better. 2. Support customize keyboard layout now. 3. Support Mouse move on keyboard now. 4. Spilt MidiDrum from self, load it as a external application. v1.5 2006-03-24 1. Add Meter display. 2. Change channel display the volume. 3. Add Midi Drum Rhythm support. 4. Auto select language file. 5. Add help file (Reading?). v1.4 2006-03-20 1. Record support pause. 2. All forms support multi-language. 3. Buttons enabled with Playing/Recording status. v1.3 2006-03-17 1. Change name from PianoEx to MidiPiano. 2. Fixed some defects. v1.2 2006-03-14 1. Add record function. 2. multi-language support. 3. If track = 2, auto assign hands. 4. Shareware now. v1.1 2005-12-24 1. If track = 3, auto assign hands. 2. Save configuration, auto open last midi file. v1.0 and before 1. Add Midi information form. 2. Speed now will changed by track event automatically. 3. Change GUI to English all. 4. Can change playing position directly now. 5. Repacked some components of this application. 6. Add blue, green colors for piano key down. 7. Different color of tracks for Left/Right hand. 8. Support MIDI input device. 9. Auto associated tracks and channels of MIDI file. 10. Auto Stop when file completed. 11. Multi-threading to play file. 12. Add volume adjustor. 13. Fix issue that pause will also make sounds. 14. Fix some sound card open MIDI failed will cause crash. 15. Add red color of piano key down. 16. Add control for channels selection. 17. Add channels display for MIDI. 18. Add control for tracks selection. 19. Fix some issue when MIDI file have no Note OFF event. 20. Add tracks information. 21. Fix MIDI file reward issue. 22. Add Pause function.