Caldera CP/M Download Page


The list below are the current available downloads for CP/M, including documentation. Caldera may add to the available versions in the future. Please check the Caldera Home Page for announcements of additions to this page. Caldera makes no commitments to post all Operating Systems it has rights to.

Trademark / Copyright Notes

Note that all Trademarks and Copyrights of Digital Research listed in these files and included in the documentation, are owned by Caldera Inc. Caldera also owns all rights to the marks used, and owns copyright on all "historical" operating systems, languages, and other Digital Research software.


These downloads require use of the CP/M password to unzip them. The password is:


To use it use the -s switch on PKUNZIP command
Please keep your key code private.

Installation Instructions

To decompress the files for installation, at the command prompt use the following syntax:


Where FILENAME is the download file and where PASSWORD is the password from If FILENAME is cpm and PASSWORD is green2-p57j then use:

C:TEMP>pkunzip cpm -sgreen2-p57j

to decompress

CP/M 2.2 Original Sources

The support utilities are written in PLM, and are provided mainly for "historical" interest only. Caldera provides no build environment for this

CP/M 2.2 Intel Sources

The CP/M BDOS Kernel of the operating system in usable form. There is a Z80 and a I8080 version

CP/M 2.2 Binaries

The Utility binaries (the famous PIP utility and others), the BDOS binary, and the BIOS sources

CP/M 2.2 Documentation

This includes details of available commands, and indepth information for programming and implementing

CP/M 3 Documentation - Coming soon

  • In Adobe Acrobat format
  • In Postscript format

All the above are provided as-is, with no technical support as detailed in the license agreement.

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