The OnBoard Asm User's Guide
Copyright 2004, Steve Little. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this document so long as it is unmodified (including the section that describes where to get this document for free) and the copyright remains intact. This should really be copyrighted by the OnBoard C group (both Yahoo! and SourceForge) since much of this has been gleaned from that discussion group but I don't know if that would be legally binding. The purpose of the copyright, anyway, is just to make sure that no one charges for the information, such as it is, that we're giving away for free.
Location. The latest version of this document can be obtained (for free) from If you have any questions, comments, corrections or suggestions, please don't hesitate to send them to
Thanks. A special thanks goes to the incredible legion of talented individuals who have contributed to this document. The list (in alphabetical order) can be found at the end of this document. If I've left anyone out, please contact me at the above address.
Table Of Contents
1. Introduction
1.1 Quickstart
1.2 Licensing
1.3 Why Use OnBoard Asm?
1.4 A Little History
1.5 Requirements
1.6 Where To Go For Help
2. Installation
2.1 The OnBoard Asm Distribution
2.2 Other Stuff You Might Need
2.3 Install OnBoard Asm
3. User's Tutorial
3.1 If You're Not Already A Palm Programmer (in assembler). . .
3.2 If You're An Old Hand At Writing Palm Code in m68k assembler. . .
3.3 A complete example
4. About The Language
4.1 How is OnBoard Asm Different From Pila?
4.2 OnBA Syntax
4.3 OnBA Directives
4.4 Useful Stuff
4.5 Limits
1. Introduction
This document is a user's guide for OnBoardAsm, part of the OnBoard Suite The whole suite was originally written by Roger Lawrence of Individeo. It runs on, as well as builds for the Palm handheld platform You can always get the latest version of the tools from the following address:
For more information about the rest of the Suite, please see The OnBoard Suite User's Manual.
The OnBoard assembler creates a Palm executable. You can beam your new program
or hotsync it to another Palm if you like. It requires nothing but a Palm
(w/ the Palm OS in ROM so your code can take advantage of the library that's
there). It does not need a separate run-time library.
1.1 Quickstart
If you are fully familiar with Palm programming in assembler, you might want a quick way to get started with OnBoard Asm. That's described here. If you're not an expert at this stuff, however, you might want to check out some of the othersections of this document.
In order to get that quick start we talked about, do the following:
1.2 Licensing
The OnBoard Assembler, like the rest of the OnBoard Suite, is provided under the GNU General Public License (GPL). There should be a file in your OnBoard Suite distribution entitled 'COPYING.txt' -- this file provides the entire license. If you can't find this file (or if you just want to), feel free to check out the Free Software Foundation website.
A quick note about this license. This license does NOT constrain code that you write and compile with any portion of the OnBoard Suite. You can write a program with SrcEdit, compile it with OnBoard C/OnBoard Asm, and sell the executable all day long. You do not have to give away the source to your code just because you used OnBoard Asm. In fact, the SourceForge OnBoard Suite people (i.e., the people who hold the copyright over this stuff) have agreed not to apply the GPL to the skeleton application that is generated by the OnBoard Suite -- you can start commercial applications with the skeleton.
1.3 Why Use OnBoard Asm?
OnBoard Asm is a C compiler for the Palm. There are other compilers for the Palm (e.g., CodeWarrior, GCC, PocketC) so why use OnBoard Suite? Here are some of the reasons.
1.4 A Little History
The OnBoard Suite was originally produced as a commercial product line (along with the RsrcEdit resource compiler) by Individeo At some point in the Fall of 2000 the developers at IndiVideo went their separate ways and Roger Lawrence, the one who developed OnBoard C, took the source code with him. Later, Roger generously released the binaries for the compiler and assembler to be distributed for free by the members of the OnBoard C community. RsrcEdit went to, developers of an onboard Forth compiler for the Palm, where it continues to be available as commercial software. It remains a key component of the OnBoard C IDE, but if you need support for that you'll have to visit Quartus.
OnBoard C started on it's path to becoming free open source software in March 2002, when Roger released the source to an editor he had built and used personally, but never released. Originally called LED--now renamed SrcEdit to avoid confusion with an existing product--this editor included many features specifically for use with OnBoard C and has been actively developed by the OnBoard C community.
In May, contact was reestablished with Roger, and he was shown the work that had been done on SrcEdit and asked if he might do one last build of OnBoard C for us that would fix a couple of nagging issues we were having. Attached to his email reply was the source code to the compiler and assembler.
That effort resulted in the source to the OnBoard Suite being placed under the GNU Public License (GPL) and put on the SourceForge site as an open source project. Note: a resource compiler (like RsrcEdit) is required to use the OnBoard Suite -- there are currently no GPLed resource editors that work with the OnBoard Suite.
1.5 Requirements
The OnBoard Suite runs on handheld computers running Palm OS >= 3.x. It may run under other versions of the operating system but it has been tested on these.
1.6 Where To Go For Help
There are two main places to go for help with the OnBoard Suite. Users can access the Yahoo OnBoard C discussion group. It was created to support OnBoard Suite users. There's a files section that contains documentation and other support material. Developers (and users, alike) can access the SourceForge site. The latest version of the OnBoard Suite can always be found there. There is a discussion group (available through the 'Lists' link) available to both users and developers. You can also visit the OnBoard Suite task list.
You can always report bugs and request features on the SourceForge site. When you report a bug, please do the following:
2. Installation
2.1 The OnBoard Asm Distribution
For any particular OnBoard Suite release, you can download one of four different files from the SourceForge site. You can download the source or just the executables and, for each of those, you can download a .zip archive or a .tar.gz archive. If you download just a source archive, you'll have to build it (with the PRC tools or one of the other supported environments) to get the PRCs.
2.2 Other Stuff You Might Need
There will be some things other than the OnBoard Suite download that you'll need to be able to create code.
RsrcEdit (RsrcEdit.prc). RsrcEdit builds the forms for the user interface. Quartus, by the way, is grandfathering-in previously registered owners of RsrcEdit. You can get it from here.
Helpful Source Code
Sometimes nothing helps like looking at someone else's code. Here are some resources for Palm source code.
2.3 Install OnBoard Asm
Install OnBoard Asm
In order to install OnBoard Asm, unpack your distribution (e.g., On a MS-Windows platform, you can do this with WinZip, StuffIt, or even (with WinME, at least) with MS-Windows, itself. On a Linux (or other Unix) platform, use 'tar' and 'gzip'. Once you get things unpacked, install the following:
On MS-Windows, you can do this by double clicking on each of the files (assuming that you've installed the Palm Desktop). There are operating-system-specific ways to install Palm applications for many other host systems -- use whatever is appropriate.
Install the Other Stuff You Need (see above)
Unfortunately, the OnBoard Suite requires a component that's not free (it's shareware). In order to use the OnBoard Suite, you need to create resource files. The software that does that is RsrcEdit.prc. Get a copy of this software and install it like the other prc files. At some point, OnBoard might support the 'res' directive used by Pila, so that you can create resources that way, but as yet this feature has not been added.
Bring It Up
Now that you've installed everything, go to your Palm and tap the OnBoard Asm icon. You will then see the main screen of OnBoard Asm, prompting you to select a file to assemble
If all assembles correctly, a new PRC should be created for you in the Unfiled category. Simple as that...
3. User's Tutorial
3.1 If You're Not Already A Palm Programmer . . .
Assembling programming is not for the faint of heart, and Palm Assembly probably less so. As such, id you don't have any prior experience with programming for Palm OS, you probably don't want to start here. Instead you might want to consider starting in a higher level language such as C. See The OnBoard Suite User's Manual for more information about programming the Palm in C. Likewise, if you've never done any assembler, this might not be the ideal platform to start with. This manual does not attempt to teach assembler programming, merely the use and eccentricies of OnBoard Asm.
Depending on your current programming knowledge, you may want to attack the learning process differently. Feel free to choose your own route -- the OnBoard community will be happy to help you no matter what your level of experience is. The suggestions, here, are intended only to make your path to programming in OnBoard C as painless as possible.
If you're already programming in assembler for PalmOS using Pila or a similar assembler, you won't have much trouble using OnBoard Asm. Skip to the next section.
3.2 If You're An Old Hand At Writing Palm Code in m68k Assembler. . .
After you install the tools, you need to create source files and get them to assemble. Here's a quick start guide to get you going:
OnBA adds bootstrap code to your application automatically. For a complete listing of the bootstrap code that it adds, see Appendix A.
3.3 A complete example
This example is based largely on the 'Minimal Pilot Application' from the Pila User's Manual. Credit and thanks go to Darrin Massena and Wes Cherry, who wrote that manual.
; Simple skeleton app
; name of the prc to produce
prc "testasm"
; some equ's of common systrap names
include ""
proc PilotMain_00(cmd.w, cmdPBP.l launchFlags.w)
local err.w
local evt.18
tst.w cmd(a6)
bne PmReturn
systrap FrmAlert(#1000)
4. About The Language
4.1 How is OnBoard Asm Different From Pila?
4.2 OnBA Syntax
4.3 OnBA Directives
OnBA supports the following directives:
4.4 Useful Stuff
8. To do
8.1 Things to add to this document.
9. Thanks!
I'm going to try to get everyone. If you contributed or know someone who did that's not in here, please let me know.
Keithen and Roger at "Darrin Massena" <darrin at> "Wes Cherry" <wesc at ricochet.ney> "Wade Guthrie" <wade at> "John Wilund" <orlando at> "Reverend" <reverndi at>
A. Startup code
For those that are interested, here's a listing of the startup code OnBA atomatically adds to your application:
0x4e56, 0xfff4, // LINK A6,#-12
0x486e, 0xfff4, // PEA -12(A6)
0x486e, 0xfff8, // PEA -8(A6)
0x486e, 0xfffc, // PEA -4(A6)
0x4e4f, // TRAP #15
0xa08f, // DC.W sysTrapSysAppStartup
0x4fef, 0x000c, // LEA 12(A7),A7
0x4a40, // TST.W D0
0x670e, // BEQ L1
0x1f3c, 0x0003, // MOVE.B #3,-(A7)
0x4e4f, // TRAP #15
0xa234, // DC.W sysTrapSndPlaySystemSound
0x548f, // ADDQ.L #2,A7
0x70ff, // MOVEQ #-1,D0
0x603e, // BRA L2
0x206e, 0xfffc, // L1 MOVEA.L -4(A6),A0
0x3f28, 0x0006, // MOVE.W 6(A0),-(A7)
0x2f28, 0x0002, // MOVE.L 2(A0),-(A7)
0x3f10, // MOVE.W (A0),-(A7)
0x6612, // bne.s *+20 -- skip datainit if cmd != normalLaunch
0x7001, // moveq #1,d0
0x204D, // move.l a5,a0
0x4EBA, 0x002C, // jsr *+6 -- call datainit
0x7002, // moveq #2,d0
0x41FA, 0x0090, // lea 90(pc),a0 -- start of startupCode, hence start of CODE #1
0x4EBA, 0x0022, // jsr *+6 -- call datainit
0x4EBA, 0x0000, // jsr main
0x508f, // ADDQ.L #8,A7
0x2f2e, // MOVE.L -12(A6),-(A7)
0x2f2e, // MOVE.L -8(A6),-(A7)
0x2f2e, // MOVE.L -4(A6),-(A7)
0x4e4f, // TRAP #15
0xa090, // DC.W sysTrap SysAppExit
0x4fef, // LEA 12(A7),A7
0x7000, // MOVEQ #0,D0
0x4e5e, // L2 UNLK A6
0x4e75, // RTS
// datainit (@54) :
0x4E56, 0x0000, // link a6,#0
0x48E7, 0x1E38, // movem.l d3-d6/a2-a4,-(a7)
0x2A08, // move.l a0,d5
0x3F00, // move.w d0,-(a7)
0x2F3C, 0x6461, 0x7461, // move.l #'data',-(a7)
0x4E4F, // trap #15
0xA05F, // sysTrapDmGetResource
0x2448, // movea.l a0,a2
0x47ED, 0x0000, // lea 0(a5),a3 // this is set to -totalDataSize (i.e. the base of the data block)
0x200A, // move.l a2,d0
0x5C4F, // addq.w #6,a7
0x6740, // beq.s *+64
0x2F0A, // move.l a2,-(a7)
0x4E4F, // trap #15
0xA021, // sysTrapMemHandleLock
0x2848, // movea.l a0,a4
0x7800, // moveq #0,d4
0x584F, // addq.w #4,a7
0x601E, // bra.s *+30 ; 0x00000050
0x1C1C, // move.b (a4)+,d6
0x7607, // moveq #7,d3
0x6012, // bra.s *+18 ; 0x0000004a
0x7001, // moveq #1,d0
0xE768, // lsl.w d3,d0
0x7200, // moveq #0,d1
0x1206, // move.b d6,d1
0xC240, // and.w d0,d1
0x6702, // beq.s *+4 ; 0x00000048
0xDB93, // add.l d5,(a3)
0x548B, // addq.l #2,a3
0x5343, // subq.w #1,d3
0x4A43, // tst.w d3
0x6CEA, // bge.s *-18 ; 0x0000003a
0x5244, // addq.w #1,d4
0x0C44, 0x0000, // cmpi.w #0000,d4
0x6DDC, // blt.s *-32 ; 0x00000034
0x2F0A, // move.l a2,-(a7)
0x4E4F, // trap #15
0xA022, // sysTrapMemHandleUnlock
0x2F0A, // move.l a2,-(a7)
0x4E4F, // trap #15
0xA061, // sysTrapDmReleaseResource
0x504F, // addq.w #8,a7
0x4CDF, 0x1C78, // movem.l (a7)+,d3-d6/a2-a4
0x4E5E, // unlk a6
0x4E75 // rts
This may change in future releases of OnBA, and is correct as of v2.4.