Conversation Parameters

Date/Time: 2010-01-19 16:30 - 18:30 CET



WS presents Reference Architecture V 0.2.

Overall consent about this architecture and functionality.

Identified issues with database location, will be continued in technical voice conference scheduled for 20-JAN.

CTC and PTC software cannot be controlled by SOAP-API, WS to amend arch drawing

LRF accepted, V 1 of LRF will not have to process complex rules as CTC and PTC will produce weighted results on their own, no correlation between CTC, PTC and ILC required.

LLM-DB is developed by AUTH, exposes Web-Service as already described in Wiki, CMS will need additional methods and tables, requirements shall be part of LLMCMSS.

No avatar implementation in CMS, however, hooks shall be provided to call an optional plug-in everytime a notification is provided for the user.

No speech-recognition in CMS, however, hooks shall be implemented to enable another optional plug-in to provide data for any forms fields by a different method than typing. The same method shall be used to implement non-typing user-log-on in order to provide credentials by contactless smart-card or other means.

Follow-up audio conference scheduled for 20-JAN 09:30 CET with WS, EK, AB.