LLM CMS Specification


This page and its child pages  contain the specification work and results for the LLM Central management system (LLMCMS).


  1. Overview
  2. Nature of this specification
  3. Functional specification areas
  4. Non-functional specification areas
  5. Implementation and architectural requirements
  6. Optional system features
  7. Conventions in this specification
  8. Sources and additional information for this Specification
  9. Derived Requirements for other parts of the LLM system
  10. Parts of this specification


The LLMCMS is part of the LLM system.

The LLM system, detailed in LLMTOS is the technical system providing the LLM service, also detailed in LLMTOS

Nature of this Specification

The specification is intended to be 2 things in one:

  1. A requirements specification, containing all the requirements for the LLM-CMS, functional, non-functional, etc.
  2. An implementation specification, allowing to be handed over to an implementation software team to be the complete base to implement the software comprising the LLM-LUI, the CMS-LUI and the CMS components

By this approach, any traceability issues between requirements and implementation specification should be able to be minimized.

As a result, this approach adds further areas to the specification:

  • requirements concerning specific structural elements of the implemented software.
    These may also result from project constraints and already existing components, e.g. the LUI already existing in the eHome system.
  • Implementation and modularity hints and rules in every part of the specification

The specification builds on a Reference Architecture (open in new window for reference)

Functional Specification Areas

This specification specifies implementation requirements for 3 Components of the reference architecture architecture:

  • The LLM-LUI
  • The CMS-LUI
  • The CMS itself including its RUI, accessing the opeerative components ILC, CTC, PTC and additional to-be-added components PLUS the LLM-Database to manipulate and investigate persistent data

Non-functional specification areas

The specification also specifies other areas:

  • interfaces between components and (if necessary) internal to components
  • volumetrics
  • Performance
  • Availability
  • Safety
  • Security
  • Modularity
  • Multi-Tenancy
  • Use-Case: e-Home, Day-Care-Center, Clinical Environment, Home-Care Professional
  • Scalability
  • Accounting
  • Evidence Collection & Archiving

Implementation and Architectural Areas

Optional System Features

This section lists optional system features and separates those included in version 1 of the LLM system implementation from those left for later versions.

Motivation for Optionality

This Specification describes part of the first version of the LLM system. The extent to which features can be implemented is determined by the project resources in the LLM project itself: project timeline and available development resources and funding.

Although the LLM project in principle tries to use existing components, there is a development effort necessary to develop the "glue" functionality. Especially the CMS and the LUI framework are part of this "Glue" functionality providing a more seamless look-and-feel and an extended amount of manageability of otherwise separated sub-systems. The LLMTOS describes a rather large number of ideas and concepts assisting in boosting user-friendlyness and lowering usage barriers, be it physiological or psychological.

However, as project timeframe is limited (the core aim of the project, the operational trial phase, has to commence as soon as possible) and so are person-hour-resources for software development and integration. All that said, it appears that not all usability features sketched in LLMTOS will make it into version 1 of the LLM system.

Optional parts not part of LLM System Version 1

For the current version of the LLM system the following parts are considered optional and, as of now, not part of version 1 implementation:

  1. Avatar implementation
  2. Gesture support for enhanced controllers like Wii-Remote or Multi-Touch
  3. Voice Recognition

However, implementation of Version 1 shall not build up roadblocks or unnecessary difficulties for a later incorporation of these features in later versions of the system. Therefore, implementation must be with such expansion in mind. Designs shall consider hooks and other expansion mechanisms as far as the  knowledge of possible integration of the later-to-be-added features is at the time of design. Reviews must contain checks for this expasion mechanisms while keeping overhead low in order not to waste resources where they should be saved.

Optional part included in LLM System Version 1

However, of all the optional parts there may be a few that are indespensable when it comes to at least providing the least required level of user-friendlyness and adaptation to the needs of the target clientéle. As of the time being, these are:

  1. elimination of keyboard typed input for authentication: logging on by contactless ID card.
    However, there are methods existing for authentication by security devices like fingerprint-scanners or other devices. These methods shall be used along with the software support provided in the target operation system(s).
    To further ease acceptance, mobile device methods like NFC/GSM-interoperability shall be checked in conjunction with movement detection also feasable with these devices.

Conventions in this Specification

Where this specification is referenced, it will be called LLMCMSS.

As this work is a specification, it is extremely important to cater for traceability. By tracebility, we understand the connections between different requirements and between the different types of requirements. These connections allow to determine if a requirement is caused by another one or is a pre-requiisite for another one. In order to establish these connections, all parts of this specifications are uniquely numbered by a hierarchical naming system. These numbers are prefixed by the ID of the specification itself.

An example for such a requirements ID is: LLMCMSS.02.01.02 which refers to the 2nd paragraph in the first chapter of the LLM LUI specification, being part 02 of this specification (LLMCMSS).

Other referenced documents will be used in a similar, appropriate manner.

When it comes to references to an external document (external means not part of the LLMCMSS), only a specific issue of the respective document will be referenced. If it is impossible to rely on a consistent version numbering and administration in the external document, a snapshot of the external document will be taken and kept as a copy with LLMCMSS.

Sources and additional information for this Specification

[LLMTOS] D3.1 LLM technical and operational specifications Issue v1.9 at the files section of Work Package 3 of the LLM site. There are tracebility issues in connection with this document as it may change in the future. To have at least one stable reference point, issue 1.9 will be tried to be marked up and linked with requirements items in the LLMCMSS. To assist this case, the document will be referenced here as LLMTOS (trace/link Work to be continued).

Derived Requirements for other Parts of the LLM System

At numerous places in this specification, the specified functionality requires pre-requisites or certain functionality from other parts of the LLM system. At the time of writing for this specification, it is not known if the referred other parts of the LLM system are able to fulfil these requirements. One exemption from this is the LLM-DB, because its functionality for the time being is well defined by the LLM web-service reference. Anyway, the requirements to other system parts will be marked with "ENVREQ:" to denote a requirement of the LLM CMS against its environment. At review of this specification the ENVREQs will have to be checked and appropriate work packages scheduled to implement tham if not yet existing.

Parts of this specification

This specification consists of 5 parts. These parts, together with the documents referenced in the sources section above, comprise everything necessary for implementing LLMCMS. No other information source shall be necessary

  1. LLMCMSS.01 - this part and top level of the hierarchy
  2. LLMCMSS.02 - the LLM LUI specification
  3. LLMCMSS.03 - the CMS LUI specification
  4. LLMCMSS.04 - the CMS service specification
  5. LLMCMSS.05 - the LLF - LLM LUI Framework - specification
  6. LLMCMSS.06 - LLM CMS Use Cases
  7. LLMCMSS.07 - LLM CMS Aspects: Configuration, Security, Modularity, Performance, Volumetrics