Option Q -- If the ZCPR quiet flag is set, FILEATTR will always default to quiet mode. To make quiet mode the default at all times, even when running under CP/M, set this configuration option to "Yes". Whatever is selected here can be toggled with the command line "Q" option. Option X -- A "Yes" will cause FILEATTR to page screen output by default. A "No" will default to continuous scrolling. The chosen default can be toggled with the command line "X" option. Screen paging is always turned off in quiet mode. Option R -- As distributed, FILEATTR prints nothing to the screen when it is operating in quiet mode. If this configuration option is "Yes", the results summary line that gives the number of matching files found and the number of attributes changed will be printed even in quiet mode. Option S -- Enter the number of lines on your video display screen. Under ZCPR 3.3 and higher, the number of screen lines for paging is obtained from the environment descriptor. This configuration parameter is used only if running under CP/M. Attribute Configuration Options As distributed, FILEATTR will not change any file attribute unless explicitly commanded to do so by a command line option. To configure FILEATTR to turn a file attribute ON or OFF by default, toggle the appropriate configuration selection. For example, to make FILEATTR set all matching files to Public by default, change the "Public attribute" setting to "Turn On". Then FILEATTR will set the specified files to Public unless the /NP command line option is given (which would cause the files to be set to Private). Since there is no command which tells FILEATTR not to change an attribute, however, the program will now insist on turning the Public attribute either on (default) or off (through the /NP option). Most users will have neither need nor desire to change the configuration default as distributed which will "Leave As-Is" all matching files.