The Telemark Assembler Copyright Notification The files on this disk are: Copyright 1985-1993 by Speech Technology Incorporated, all rights reserved. Copyright 1998,1999,2001 by Thomas N. Anderson , all rights reserved. The following files on this disk may be freely copied and shared with others: TASM.EXE - TASM Assembler, executable TASM48.TAB - 8048 Instruction definition table TASM51.TAB - 8051 Instruction definition table TASM65.TAB - 6502 Instruction definition table TASM85.TAB - 8085 Instruction definition table TASM80.TAB - Z80 Instruction definition table TASM05.TAB - 6805 Instruction definition table TASM68.TAB - 6800/6801/68HC11 Instruction definition table TASM3210.TAB - TMS32010 Instruction definition table TASM3225.TAB - TMS32025 Instruction definition table TASM70.TAB - TMS7000 Instruction definition table TASMMAN.HTM - TASM Documentation (HTML) TASMTABS.HTM - TASM Documentation on individual tables (HTML) TEST*.ASM - TASM test cases (one for each table) TESTTABS.BAT - Batch script to execute the test cases 8051.H - Useful register definitions for the 8051 MOTO.H - Useful directive definitions for Motorola compatibility README.TXT - Brief Explanation of Disk contents COPYRIGH.TXT - Copyright notice ORDERFRM.TXT - Registration Form ORDERFRM.HTM - Registration Form (HTML) RELNOTES.TXT - Release notes. Although you may freely copy the above files, TASM is not 'free' or 'public domain'. It is copyrighted material which can be copied and evaluated by people without registration, but those that use it on a regular basis must register (see the ORDERFRM.TXT or ORDERFRM.HTM files). The following files are to be copied only with the following restrictions: The owner of this software may make as many copies of the following as is deemed necessary as long as no possibility exists for the software (or derivitive products) to be in use on more than one machine at a time. Or, if a site license has been purchased, the software can only be used on machines at that site. TASM.C TASMMAIN.C MACRO.C PARSE.C STR.C LOOKUP.C WRTOBJ.C FNAME.C WRTOBJ.C ERRLOG.C TASM.H Thomas N. Anderson Squak Valley Software 837 Front Street South Issaquah, WA 98027 email: