------------------ Final Output Files ------------------ ROM Output File [512K] -> .rom hbios_rom [32K] OSIMG [32K] OSIMG1 [32K] OSIMG [32K] (used as filler) romdisk - [384K] COM Output File -> .com hbios_com [varies] OSIMG [32K] IMG Output File -> .img hbios_img [varies] OSIMG [32K] ------------------------- Intermediate Output Files ------------------------- OSIMG [32K] -> osimg.bin romldr [3.5K] eastaegg [0.5K] dbgmon [4K] CPM (ccp/bdos/cbios) [12K] ZSYS (zcpr/zsdos/cbios) [12K] OSIMG1 [32K] -> osimg0.bin camel80 [5.75K] nascom [8K] tastybasic [2.25K] imagepad0 [-] CPM [12K] -> cpm.bin ccp [2K] bdos [3.5K] cbios [6.5K] ZSYS [12K] -> zsys.bin zcpr [2K] zsdos [3.5K] cbios [6.5K] ----------------- Compilation Units ----------------- hbios.asm -> hbios_rom.bin, hbios_app.bin, hbios_img.bin std.asm ver.inc hbios.inc build.inc .asm plt_.inc util.asm time.asm bcd.asm dsky.asm romldr.asm -> romldr.bin: loader? std.asm ver.inc hbios.inc build.inc .asm plt_.inc util.asm dsky.asm dbgmon.asm -> dbgmon.bin: std.asm ver.inc hbios.inc build.inc .asm plt_.inc util.asm memmgr.asm dsky.asm eastaegg.asm -> eastaegg.bin std.asm ver.inc hbios.inc build.inc .asm plt_.inc Forth\camel80.azm -> Forth\camel80.bin -> ..\camel80.bin camel80d.azm camel80h.azm nascom.asm -> nascom.bin std.asm ver.inc hbios.inc build.inc .asm plt_.inc tastybasic.asm -> tastybasic.bin std.asm ver.inc hbios.inc build.inc .asm plt_.inc ======================================================================= HBIOS Loading Modes: ROMBOOT: Startup from ROM Bank BID_BOOT APPBOOT: Startup as CP/M application IMGBOOT: Startup from RAM Bank BID_USR ======================================================================= - If not (APPBOOT), include page 0 - Base Hardware Init - Iff (ROMBOOT), init BBR - Install Proxy - Set CURBNK: - If ROMBOOT, then BID_BOOT, else BID_USR - Install HBIOS - Copy from CURBNK:0 --> BID_BIOS:0 ($8000 bytes) - Transition to HBIOS in BID_BIOS - Copy OS Image to USR Bank - If (ROM_MODE), copy BID_OS:0 --> BID_USR:0 - Else, copy BID_USR: --> BID_USR:0 - Chain to BID_USR:0