The file buildall.bat is meant to be used for building one wire example applications for the TINI board firmware release 1.01. To run the buildall program: 1. Make your current directory the [ONEWIRE INSTALL]\examples directory. Copy the BuildOneWireProgram.class to this directory, and the batch file. If you are on UNIX, you should be able to just make the .bat file an executable script, it only contains calls to 'java.exe'. 2. tini.jar must be in your classpath (this is where TINIConvertor lives) 3. You must copy the following files to the examples directory: [ONEWIRE INSTALL]\lib\tini_dependencies\tini_dependencies.txt [ONEWIRE INSTALL]\lib\TINI_101_Overlay_OneWireAPI.jar [TINI INSTALL]\bin\tini.db 4. You must un-jar the file OneWireAPI.jar into the examples directory. You can do this by typing from the eamples directory: jar xvf OneWireAPI.jar If you would like to see which buttons the demo's work with, or change the builds to work with different one wire devices, edit the file buildall.bat and change the 2 digit hex characters that are associated with each program. You can add, delete, or modify these entries. There is no limit on the number of containers you can add to a project. However, some demo programs call directly into memory bank code. By removing some buttons from these programs, TINIConvertor may not be able to find some classes. The files in the tini_onewire_utils are necessary for the OWNetWatch demos. The buildall program takes care of this for you.