Readme.txt (DC, 01.25.01) -=--------------=- TINI Firmware 1.02 -=--------------=- ------------------ | NativeExample1 | ------------------ NOTE: The batch file now embeds example1.tlib into Example1.tini. Only Example1.tini needs to be FTP-ed to TINI. Alternately the batch file could be modified slightly to generate a .tbin file and the application, with embedded tlib, could be loaded into bank 7 using JavaKit. The application would need to be modified to call Debug.setDefaultStreams() in order to view the output (bank 7 application only). I. Description =------------= This example demonstrates the usage of native libraries. Specifically how to manage Java parameters and return values and how to manage state buffers. This example has four native methods "method1", "method2", "method3" and "method4". method1 fills the byte array parameter with 0x55, stores the long parameter in its state buffer and returns the int parameter. method2 reads the long parameter, stored in method1, from its state buffer and returns it. method3 reads a number stored in indirects, increments it, stores the new value and returns the incremented number. method4 sleeps for the requested number of milliseconds and returns the requested sleep time. The native initialization routine, called on loadLibrary, detects if state buffers exist. If not it mallocs new buffers and inserts them into system state tables. It also acquires and inits "indirects" and registers a process destroy function. The process destroy function unregisters itself and releases "indirects". II. Files =------= -Java- -Native- example1.a51 III. Instructions =--------------= FTP Example1.tini to TINI. Execute "java Example1.tini" at the slush prompt. IV. Revision History =-------------------= beta3.0 - Created. 1.02 - Added indirect support, process destroy support, changed NatLib_LoadPointer calls to NatLib_LoadJavaByteArray calls and added native sleep example. Batch file now embeds the .tlib file in the application.