Running_JavaKit.txt (DC, 03.22.02) -=---------------=- TINI Firmware 1.02e -=---------------=- -------------------------------------------------------------------- Go to for an online version of "The TINI Specification and Developer's Guide". -------------------------------------------------------------------- Changes =-----= o Previous versions of JavaKit required you to zero any flash banks before you write to them. JavaKit will now take care of this for you. o JavaKit can now load Dallas binary files as well as HEX files. The firmware and API are now shipped as a single binary file with the extension *.tbin. You will notice a much faster load process as a result. Setup =---= 1. This assumes you have already downloaded and installed both the Java Development Kit and javax.comm, the Java extension for Communication (Java communications API). These can be downloaded directly from Sun at: A Linux port for javax.comm can be obtained at: 2. Put tini.jar in your CLASSPATH. In DOS, this can be done in your autoexec.bat file or from the command line with the line: SET CLASSPATH=\tini.jar;%CLASSPATH% or append it to the current SET CLASSPATH line if you already have one. If you are running JDK 1.1, you also need to put comm.jar (from javax.comm) and swingall.jar in the CLASSPATH, and place in your /lib directory. >> See PlatformSpecific.html << in the javacomm distribution for the proper installation of the driver (.dll or .so) file. If you are using RXTX for the driver (Linux) see included documents for proper installation location. If you are running JDK 1.2 (Java 2) you should put comm.jar in the /jre/lib/ext directory or the CLASSPATH, and the file should be placed in /jre/lib. >>> See jdk1.2.html <<< in the javacomm distribution for the proper installation of the driver (.dll or .so) file. If you are using RXTX for the driver (Linux) see included documents for proper installation location. 3. Run JavaKit by typing: java JavaKit or java -classpath \tini.jar JavaKit Note: Type JavaKit -help for the command line options. For example, you can have JavaKit auto-open the port for you with: java -classpath \tini.jar JavaKit -port COM1 Troubleshooting =-------------= If you have any errors with serial communications (i.e. no COM ports show up as available ports), you should first run the BlackBox example in the javax.comm distribution. If this works correctly and can see your serial ports, JavaKit should run correctly. Other things to check: o Make sure that tiniclasses.jar is NOT in your classpath. This jar file contains our implementation of the Java API and javax.comm. If this jar file comes before comm.jar in your classpath, Java will attempt to run with our javax.comm. This failure usually looks like: Exception occurred during event dispatching: java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: getOwned at com.dalsemi.comm.TINISerialPort.isOwned(,... at at JavaKit.openPort(, Compiled Code) ... o If you are using JDK 1.1, you *must* add swingall.jar (as well as comm.jar) to your CLASSPATH. See PlatformSpecfic.html in the commapi distribution. o On Windows platforms with JDK 1.2, make sure that these files are in the correct place: \jre\bin\win32com.dll \jre\lib\ \jre\lib\ext\comm.jar See jdk1.2.html in the commapi distribution. o On Linux platforms, make sure you've downloaded the Solaris version of from Sun. All you need from this download is comm.jar. If you are running JDK 1.2, this file should be in /jre/lib/ext. Make sure you have the file: /lib/ that contains a single line: Make sure the permissions are correctly set (read and write) for the account you are using. Make sure the permissions are set to read and write for the serial port you are using. If you are having .tbin load failures on Linux: In Linux, JavaKit frequently fails to load a tbin file and aborts with various error messages including "No response from TINI". Usually the file will successfully load on a retry. The default behavior of the serial ports in Linux is to wait for a number of bytes to accumulate in the buffers before handing them off to an application. The default latency is on the order of tens of milliseconds. This latency causes problems with javax.comm/rxtx/JavaKit. This problem became apparent when the file format was switched to binary. Kernels 2.1 and higher allow root to change the latency using the setserial command. Kernel 2.0 has a patch that can be compiled into the kernel to lower the latency. The commandline for setserial looks like this for /dev/ttyS0: setserial /dev/ttyS0 low_latency You may need to "su" to root to execute this comand. You will need to run this command after every reboot. Later versions of RxTx require the user to have read and write permissions in the /var/lock permissions.