Readme.txt (DC, 03.22.02) -=---------------=- TINI Firmware 1.02e -=---------------=- -------------------------------------------------------------------- Go to for an online version of "The TINI Specification and Developer's Guide". -------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------- | Echo Server/Client | ---------------------- I. Description =------------= A simple implementation of an echo server and client. The server runs on TINI and listens on port 7 for any connections. Once a client establishes a connection, the server echoes any data it receives back to the client. II. Files =------= Client\buildEchoClient.bat - Script to build the client. Client\src\ - Source for the client. Server\buildEchoServer.bat - Script to build the server. Server\src\ - Source for the server. III. Instructions =--------------= 1. Load EchoServer from the examples\Echo\Server\bin directory using FTP. First open FTP and execute the following commands (for the sake of this discussion assume you chose for your IP address): open root tini bin put EchoServer.tini close quit In Windows 9x you can place these commands in a script file (e.g. doftp.cmd) and execute with 'ftp -s:doftp.cmd'. 2. Open a Telnet session to your TINI board. Welcome to slush. (Version 1.0 Beta 2.2) TINI login: root TINI password: TINI /> 3. Execute the EchoServer ON TINI using the following command 'java EchoServer.tini'. You should see the following prompt: Starting EchoServer version 1.0 ... Execute the EchoClient ON THE HOST from the examples\Echo\Client\bin directory using the following command: 'java EchoClient -n 128 -c a -s' The output should look like this: characterToSend: 97 numBytes: 128 serverName: echoData: 97;97;97;97;97;97;97;97;97;97;97;97;97;97;97;97;97;97;97;97;97;97;97;97;97;97;97 ;97;97;97;97;97;97;97;97;97;97;97;97;97;97;97;97;97;97;97;97;97;97;97;97;97;97;9 7;97;97;97;97;97;97;97;97;97;97;97;97;97;97;97;97;97;97;97;97;97;97;97;97;97;97; 97;97;97;97;97;97;97;97;97;97;97;97;97;97;97;97;97;97;97;97;97;97;97;97;97;97;97 ;97;97;97;97;97;97;97;97;97;97;97;97;97;97;97;97;97;97;97;97;97; EchoClient will dump a usage statement if you type invalid data on the command line (e.g. java EchoClient xyz). The switches are: -n -c -s IV. Revision History =-------------------= 1.0 - First release.