Victor Library -- Image Descriptor Definition

Visual Basic | C/C++ | Java

Visual Basic

Image Descriptor, as defined in vicdef32.txt

Type imgdes
 ibuff As Long 'Image buffer address
 stx As Long 'X-coordinate of upper left corner of image area to be processed
 sty As Long 'Y-coordinate of upper left corner of image area to be processed
 endx As Long 'X-coordinate of lower right corner of image area to be processed
 endy As Long 'Y-coordinate of lower right corner of image area to be processed
 buffwidth As Long 'Image buffer width in bytes
 palette As Long 'Address of palette associated with the image
 colors As Long 'Number of palette colors
 imgtype As Long 'Image type: bit 0 = 1 if image is grayscale
 bmh As Long 'BITMAPINFOHEADER header and DIB address
 hBitmap As Long 'Device-independent bitmap handle
End Type


Image Descriptor, as defined in vicdefs.h

typedef struct {
 unsigned char *ibuff; // Image buffer address
 unsigned stx; // X-coordinate of upper left corner of image area to be processed
 unsigned sty; // Y-coordinate of upper left corner of image area to be processed
 unsigned endx; // X-coordinate of lower right corner of image area to be processed
 unsigned endy; // Y-coordinate of lower right corner of image area to be processed
 unsigned buffwidth; // Image buffer width in bytes
 RGBQUAD *palette; // Address of palette associated with the image
 int colors; // Number of palette colors
 int imgtype; // Image type: bit 0 = 1 if image is grayscale
 HBITMAP hBitmap; // Device-independent bitmap handle
} imgdes;


Image Descriptor, as defined in

package vic;

public class imgdes{
 public int ibuff; // Image buffer address
 public int stx; // X-coordinate of upper left corner of image area to be processed
 public int sty; // Y-coordinate of upper left corner of image area to be processed
 public int endx; // X-coordinate of lower right corner of image area to be processed
 public int endy; // Y-coordinate of lower right corner of image area to be processed
 public int buffwidth; // Image buffer width in bytes
 public int palette; // Address of palette associated with the image
 public int colors; // Number of palette colors
 public int imgtype; // Image type: bit 0 = 1 if image is grayscale
 public int bmh; // BITMAPINFOHEADER header and DIB address
 public int hBitmap; // Device-independent bitmap handle
 public int biwidth; // Pixel width of image
 public int biheight; // Pixel length of image
 public short bibitcount; // Pixel depth of image