License Agreement

1.    The Victor Image Processing Library is copyrighted material. This includes the source code, object code, DLL, examples, and documentation. This material is protected by United States copyright law as well as international copyright treaty provisions.

2.    The Victor Library is for use by one programmer on one computer. Catenary Systems Inc, grants to you the right to use a single copy of the enclosed software on a single computer. You may make copies of the software for backup purposes only. You may not copy the written materials accompanying the software.

3.    You may modify the source code to the library and examples as part of your use of the product. However, under copyright law, the modified source code remains the copyrighted property of Catenary Systems and you may not distribute it.

4.    Catenary Systems Inc, grants to you the nonexclusive royalty-free right to reproduce and distribute the dynamic link library portions of the software as a part of your Microsoft Windows application subject to the following:

a.    You must assume full and complete responsibility and liability for the use of this product in your programs.
b.    Your software is not merely a set or subset of the DLL or code included in this package.
c.    You must include a valid copyright notice on your software product disk, either your own copyright notice or the Catenary Systems copyright notice which appears on the Victor master disk.
d.    You are responsible for the operation of your applications, including testing of all included object code to ensure that it functions as documented, as expected, and as required.
e.    To enable GIF-LZW or TIFF-LZW compression you must obtain an LZW license from Unisys. Contact, Unisys Corp, Welch Licensing Dept - D1SW19, Township Line & Union Meeting Roads, PO Box 500, Blue Bell PA 19424.

You are entitled to these rights only as long as your possession of the product shall be lawful. These rights will cease if you return the product under the terms of any warranty or money-back guarantee.

Limited Warranty

Catenary Systems believes that the software will perform substantially in accordance with the documentation, and that the diskettes and documentation are free from defects in materials and workmanship.

If you discover defective diskettes or documentation we will replace them upon notification. If the software does not perform as documented, we will attempt to correct and replace it within a reasonable period of time after receipt of written notification describing the problem.

Catenary Systems specifically disclaims all warranties, including, without limitation, all implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, and non-infringement of third party rights. It is your responsibility to determine the fitness of the product for any particular purpose.

Under no circumstances will Catenary Systems be liable for special, incidental, consequential, indirect, or any other damages or claims arising from the use of this product, including loss of profits or any other commercial damages, even if Catenary Systems has been advised of the possibility of such damages. In no event will Catenary Systems be liable for any claims, liability, or damages arising from changes made by you to the source code, object code, or examples included.