MaxZ80 - Chapter 4 M80 =CMD BASCOM =MOTYL/Z/O L80 MOTYL,CMD,MOTYL/N/E The first line assembles CMD.MAC, producing CMD.REL. This is the first example we've had of M80.COM, which is an assembler. Assemblers turn low-level, assembly language instructions into .HEX or .REL files. M80.COM generates .REL files. The second and third lines above should look more familiar. The third line links the relocatable libraries MOTYL.REL and CMD.REL and produces MOTYL.COM. MOTYL.COM is a simple program that displays the command tail. For example, 7:09 A7:MOTYL>>MOTYL TIME FLIES LIKE AN ARROW BUT FRUIT FLIES LIKE A BANANA! TIME FLIES LIKE AN ARROW BUT FRUIT FLIES LIKE A BANANA! The length of the command tail was 55. 7:10 A7:MOTYL>> CMD grabs whatever it finds in the tail of the command you issue and puts it in a string variable in the BASIC program, in MOTYL's case, FOOBAR$. I lost the source code for CMD.MAC. Assembly language source code is much more readable than the code it gets converted into. As I was interested to learn again how CMD worked, I did something I knew wouldn't exactly work but I thought it might bring me closer to rebuilding the source code. I turned CMD.REL into CMD.COM with the command L80 CMD,CMD/N/E I knew CMD was not designed to run on its own as a .COM file. But I also knew I had a program that did the reverse of what an assembler followed by a linker do. Such a program is called a disassembler. Z80DIS.COM is such a program. I ran it against CMD.COM and it generated source code. This source code wasn't exactly what the author of CMD.MAC wrote, nor did I expect it to be. I knew CMD.MAC had a line in it that itself CALLed a routine that was in the relocatable library OBSLIB.REL. This routine is named $SASA. I was reminded of its name when I ran the above link job, which announced -$SASA 012B 1 Undefined Global(s) Howard Goldstein, a friend of CMD.MAC author Pete Motyl, helped make the needed adjustments to what the disassembler produced to recreate essentially what Pete originally wrote. Things like L0103 NOP L0104 NOP NOP got turned into DSEG EXTRN $SASA TLEN: DEFS 1 ;STORAGE FOR TAIL LENGTH TPTR: DEFS 2 ;STORAGE FOR PTR TO BEGINNING OF TAIL CSEG and CALL 0000H got turned into CALL $SASA ;PUT COMMAND TAIL INTO PASSED VARIABLE In Chapter 9, where we'll talk about CP/M's Transient Buffer Area, CMD.MAC will be mentioned again. |