This reference is for Processing 3.0+. If you have a previous version, use the reference included with your software in the Help menu. If you see any errors or have suggestions, please let us know. If you prefer a more technical reference, visit the Processing Core Javadoc and Libraries Javadoc.



// The following short XML file called "mammals.xml" is parsed 
// in the code below. It must be in the project's "data" folder.
// <?xml version="1.0"?>
// <mammals>
//   <animal id="0" species="Capra hircus">Goat</animal>
//   <animal id="1" species="Panthera pardus">Leopard</animal>
//   <animal id="2" species="Equus zebra">Zebra</animal>
// </mammals>

XML xml;

void setup() {
  xml = loadXML("mammals.xml");
  XML[] children = xml.getChildren("animal");

  for (int i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
    int id = children[i].getInt("id");
    String coloring = children[i].getString("species");
    String name = children[i].getContent();
    println(id + ", " + coloring + ", " + name);

// Sketch prints:
// 0, Capra hircus, Goat
// 1, Panthera pardus, Leopard
// 2, Equus zebra, Zebra
Description XML is a representation of an XML object, able to parse XML code. Use loadXML() to load external XML files and create XML objects.

Only files encoded as UTF-8 (or plain ASCII) are parsed properly; the encoding parameter inside XML files is ignored.
getParent() Gets a copy of the element's parent
getName() Gets the element's full name
setName() Sets the element's name
hasChildren() Checks whether or not an element has any children
listChildren() Returns the names of all children as an array
getChildren() Returns an array containing all child elements
getChild() Returns the child element with the specified index value or path
addChild() Appends a new child to the element
removeChild() Removes the specified child
getAttributeCount() Counts the specified element's number of attributes
listAttributes() Returns a list of names of all attributes as an array
hasAttribute() Checks whether or not an element has the specified attribute
getString() Gets the content of an attribute as a String
setString() Sets the content of an attribute as a String
getInt() Gets the content of an attribute as an int
setInt() Sets the content of an attribute as an int
getFloat() Gets the content of an attribute as a float
setFloat() Sets the content of an attribute as a float
getContent() Gets the content of an element
getIntContent() Gets the content of an element as an int
getFloatContent() Gets the content of an element as a float
setContent() Sets the content of an element
format() Formats XML data as a String
toString() Gets XML data as a String using default formatting
name String: creates a node with this name
Updated on January 9, 2020 00:33:14pm EST

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