This reference is for Processing 3.0+. If you have a previous version, use the reference included with your software in the Help menu. If you see any errors or have suggestions, please let us know. If you prefer a more technical reference, visit the Processing Core Javadoc and Libraries Javadoc.



int i = 65;
char c = char(i);
println(i + " : " + c);  // Prints "65 : A"

byte b = 65;
c = char(b);
println(b + " : " + c);  // Prints "65 : A"
Description Converts any value of a primitive data type (boolean, byte, char, color, double, float, int, or long) to its numeric character representation.

When an array of values is passed in, then a char array of the same length is returned.
Updated on January 9, 2020 00:33:17pm EST

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