SN65HVD230 CAN Transceiver Modul

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Version vom 5. November 2016, 16:23 Uhr von Wolfgang (Diskussion | Beiträge)
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    Operates Voltage:3.3V 
    Low Power Replacement for the PCA82C250Footprint
    Bus/Pin ESD Protection Exceeds 16 kV HBM
    High Input Impedance Allows for 120 Nodes on a Bus
    Unpowered Node Does Not Disturb the Bus
    Compatible With the Requirements of the ISO 11898 Standard
    Low-Current SN65HVD230 Standby Mode 370 µA Typical
    Designed for Signaling Rates† up to 1 Megabit/Second (Mbps)
    Thermal Shutdown Protection
    Open-Circuit Fail-Safe Design
    Glitch-Free Power-Up and Power-Down
    Protection for Hot-Plugging Applications
  • Ablage: ["file://\\puconnas01\public\Hardware\Elektronik-Module_und_Bausätze\SN65HVD230_CAN_XCVR_Modul"]