RKMIX color sensor calibration

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Version vom 21. Oktober 2018, 10:41 Uhr von Wolfgang (Diskussion | Beiträge)
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This is a tool page to calibrate a color sensor for RKMIX.

Sensor Calibration

Mean Count: Color: Number: Deck: Face: Joker:
Red: Green: Blue: Status: Info:



  • a ESP32 with the color sensor attached and the RKMIX arduino sketch loaded must be reachable at http://PUCONESP3203.fritz.box/
  • the inputs in this page instruct you which RK piece to put in from of the color sensor (and which face of it!)
  • when you've put the pice in, then click on "MeasureAndRecord"-Button.
  • A recording of the detected color values is taken and recorded in the big text area
  • after having recorded all color measurement of all pieces the text area content can be copy and pasted into an Excel-sheet to generate further color calibration data

Building this page in the ESP32

To build the HTML in this page into ESP32 the following was used:

Multiline JS Stringifer