Package | Description |
javax.json |
Provides an object model API to process JSON.
javax.json.spi |
Service Provider Interface (SPI) to plug in implementations for
JSON processing objects.
| |
Provides a streaming API to parse and generate
Modifier and Type | Method | Description |
JsonArrayBuilder |
JsonArrayBuilder.add(boolean value) |
Adds a
JsonValue.TRUE or JsonValue.FALSE value to the
array. |
JsonArrayBuilder |
JsonArrayBuilder.add(double value) |
Adds a value to the array as a
JsonNumber . |
JsonArrayBuilder |
JsonArrayBuilder.add(int value) |
Adds a value to the array as a
JsonNumber . |
default JsonArrayBuilder |
JsonArrayBuilder.add(int index,
boolean value) |
Adds a
JsonValue.TRUE or JsonValue.FALSE value to the
array at the specified position. |
default JsonArrayBuilder |
JsonArrayBuilder.add(int index,
double value) |
Adds a value to the array as a
JsonNumber at the specified position. |
default JsonArrayBuilder |
JsonArrayBuilder.add(int index,
int value) |
Adds a value to the array as a
JsonNumber at the specified position. |
default JsonArrayBuilder |
JsonArrayBuilder.add(int index,
long value) |
Adds a value to the array as a
JsonNumber at the specified position. |
default JsonArrayBuilder |
JsonArrayBuilder.add(int index,
String value) |
Adds a value to the array as a
JsonString at the specified position. |
default JsonArrayBuilder |
JsonArrayBuilder.add(int index,
BigDecimal value) |
Adds a value to the array as a
JsonNumber at the specified position. |
default JsonArrayBuilder |
JsonArrayBuilder.add(int index,
BigInteger value) |
Adds a value to the array as a
JsonNumber at the specified position. |
default JsonArrayBuilder |
JsonArrayBuilder.add(int index,
JsonArrayBuilder builder) |
Adds a
JsonArray from an array builder to the array at the specified position. |
default JsonArrayBuilder |
JsonArrayBuilder.add(int index,
JsonObjectBuilder builder) |
Adds a
JsonObject from an object builder to the array at the specified position. |
default JsonArrayBuilder |
JsonArrayBuilder.add(int index,
JsonValue value) |
Inserts a value to the array at the specified position.
JsonArrayBuilder |
JsonArrayBuilder.add(long value) |
Adds a value to the array as a
JsonNumber . |
JsonArrayBuilder |
JsonArrayBuilder.add(String value) |
Adds a value to the array as a
JsonString . |
JsonArrayBuilder |
JsonArrayBuilder.add(BigDecimal value) |
Adds a value to the array as a
JsonNumber . |
JsonArrayBuilder |
JsonArrayBuilder.add(BigInteger value) |
Adds a value to the array as a
JsonNumber . |
JsonArrayBuilder |
JsonArrayBuilder.add(JsonArrayBuilder builder) |
Adds a
JsonArray from an array builder to the array. |
JsonArrayBuilder |
JsonArrayBuilder.add(JsonObjectBuilder builder) |
Adds a
JsonObject from an object builder to the array. |
JsonArrayBuilder |
JsonArrayBuilder.add(JsonValue value) |
Adds a value to the array.
default JsonArrayBuilder |
JsonArrayBuilder.addAll(JsonArrayBuilder builder) |
Adds all elements of the array in the specified array builder to the array.
JsonArrayBuilder |
JsonArrayBuilder.addNull() |
Adds a
JsonValue.NULL value to the array. |
default JsonArrayBuilder |
JsonArrayBuilder.addNull(int index) |
Adds a
JsonValue.NULL value to the array at the specified position. |
static JsonArrayBuilder |
Json.createArrayBuilder() |
Creates a JSON array builder
static JsonArrayBuilder |
Json.createArrayBuilder(Collection<?> collection) |
Creates a JSON array builder, initialized with the content of specified
collection . |
static JsonArrayBuilder |
Json.createArrayBuilder(JsonArray array) |
Creates a JSON array builder, initialized with the specified array
JsonArrayBuilder |
JsonBuilderFactory.createArrayBuilder() |
Creates a
JsonArrayBuilder instance that is used to build
JsonArray |
default JsonArrayBuilder |
JsonBuilderFactory.createArrayBuilder(Collection<?> collection) |
Creates a
JsonArrayBuilder instance,
initialized with the content of specified collection. |
default JsonArrayBuilder |
JsonBuilderFactory.createArrayBuilder(JsonArray array) |
Creates a
JsonArrayBuilder instance, initialized with an array. |
default JsonArrayBuilder |
JsonArrayBuilder.remove(int index) |
Remove the value in the array at the specified position.
default JsonArrayBuilder |
JsonArrayBuilder.set(int index,
boolean value) |
Replaces a value in the array with
JsonValue.TRUE or JsonValue.FALSE value
at the specified position. |
default JsonArrayBuilder |
JsonArrayBuilder.set(int index,
double value) |
Replaces a value in the array with the specified value as a
JsonNumber at the specified position. |
default JsonArrayBuilder |
JsonArrayBuilder.set(int index,
int value) |
Replaces a value in the array with the specified value as a
JsonNumber at the specified position. |
default JsonArrayBuilder |
JsonArrayBuilder.set(int index,
long value) |
Replaces a value in the array with the specified value as a
JsonNumber at the specified position. |
default JsonArrayBuilder |
JsonArrayBuilder.set(int index,
String value) |
Replaces a value in the array with the specified value as a
JsonString at the specified position. |
default JsonArrayBuilder |
JsonArrayBuilder.set(int index,
BigDecimal value) |
Replaces a value in the array with the specified value as a
JsonNumber at the specified position. |
default JsonArrayBuilder |
JsonArrayBuilder.set(int index,
BigInteger value) |
Replaces a value in the array with the specified value as a
JsonNumber at the specified position. |
default JsonArrayBuilder |
JsonArrayBuilder.set(int index,
JsonArrayBuilder builder) |
Replaces a value in the array with the specified value as a
JsonArray from an array builder at the specified position. |
default JsonArrayBuilder |
JsonArrayBuilder.set(int index,
JsonObjectBuilder builder) |
Replaces a value in the array with the specified value as a
JsonObject from an object builder at the specified position. |
default JsonArrayBuilder |
JsonArrayBuilder.set(int index,
JsonValue value) |
Replaces a value in the array with the specified value at the
specified position.
default JsonArrayBuilder |
JsonArrayBuilder.setNull(int index) |
Replaces a value in the array with
JsonValue.NULL value at the specified position. |
Modifier and Type | Method | Description |
default JsonArrayBuilder |
JsonArrayBuilder.add(int index,
JsonArrayBuilder builder) |
Adds a
JsonArray from an array builder to the array at the specified position. |
JsonArrayBuilder |
JsonArrayBuilder.add(JsonArrayBuilder builder) |
Adds a
JsonArray from an array builder to the array. |
JsonObjectBuilder |
JsonObjectBuilder.add(String name,
JsonArrayBuilder builder) |
Adds a name/
JsonArray pair to the JSON object associated with
this object builder. |
default JsonArrayBuilder |
JsonArrayBuilder.addAll(JsonArrayBuilder builder) |
Adds all elements of the array in the specified array builder to the array.
default JsonArrayBuilder |
JsonArrayBuilder.set(int index,
JsonArrayBuilder builder) |
Replaces a value in the array with the specified value as a
JsonArray from an array builder at the specified position. |
Modifier and Type | Method | Description |
abstract JsonArrayBuilder |
JsonProvider.createArrayBuilder() |
Creates a JSON array builder.
JsonArrayBuilder |
JsonProvider.createArrayBuilder(Collection<?> collection) |
Creates a JSON array builder, initialized with the content of specified
collection . |
JsonArrayBuilder |
JsonProvider.createArrayBuilder(JsonArray array) |
Creates a JSON array builder, initialized with the specified array.
Modifier and Type | Method | Description |
static <T extends JsonArrayBuilder> |
JsonCollectors.groupingBy(Function<JsonValue,String> classifier,
Collector<JsonValue,T,JsonArray> downstream) |
Constructs a that implements a "group by" operation on the
input JsonValue elements. |
Modifier and Type | Method | Description |
static Collector<JsonValue,Map<String,JsonArrayBuilder>,JsonObject> |
JsonCollectors.groupingBy(Function<JsonValue,String> classifier) |
Constructs a that implements a "group by" operation on the
input JsonValue elements. |
static Collector<JsonValue,JsonArrayBuilder,JsonArray> |
JsonCollectors.toJsonArray() |
Constructs a that accumulates the input JsonValue
elements into a JsonArray . |
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