Programmable Hardware

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Programmable Hardware is an area of elecronics to bring the concepts of flexibility and adaptibility from the software arena to the world of hardware.

With Programmable Hardware, the functionality of an electronic device can be changed on a level usually associated with hardware without having to really touch the real hardware components:

  • electronic parts or their dimensions and/or values
  • wires and connections between parts

Programmable Hardware Parts and Devices


HDL - Hardware Description Languages

Programmable Hardware in PUCON

Altium Nanoboard 3000

FPGA Prototyping Boards

PUCON Projects with Programmable Hardware


NOS032 is an application for the #Altium Nanoboard 3000 to use the Nanoboards DAC interface to produce graphic display on an Oscilloscope CRT in X-Y-mode.

Further Reading